Walmart Sucks


Local time
4:06 PM
Feb 1, 2010
So I've decided that Walmart processing sucks....I know....Duh! Where do you guys send your film off for developing?
After the HU of the Walgreens' color film, I bought 12 rolls or so and then took the first of them in to get developed. They developed the film then lost my negatives. The entire working area of their "lab" is only about 7'x7'. How could they lose my negatives?
Walmart Sucks. does my 'Hoover' - but I still use it! :)

Seriously - I think a lot of un-worldly-wise old fogies like me wonder what some of these silly sayings are about!, perhaps it's time the forum had a phrase and translation section!......duh?
I'm curious... what 'sucks' about it? Did they ruin your film? Process it in the wrong chemicals? Scratch it? And what kind of film were you taking to Walmart?
I'm curious... what 'sucks' about it? Did they ruin your film? Process it in the wrong chemicals? Scratch it? And what kind of film were you taking to Walmart?

Ive just gotten back into film. I have taken 4 rolls in 2 batches to Walmart. A couple of rolls of c41 B&W and couple of rolls of Fuji color. They have all come out with streaks and all are a bit hazy. Someone suggested that because film is no longer used by the public as much as it used to be the chemicals are not changed as frequently and the machines aren't cleaned as often as the should be, but I don't know.
After the HU of the Walgreens' color film, I bought 12 rolls or so and then took the first of them in to get developed. They developed the film then lost my negatives. The entire working area of their "lab" is only about 7'x7'. How could they lose my negatives?

Jay, sorry to hear about them losing your film. I agree, how can they lose it?!

I've had pretty good luck with my local Walgreen's, after spending some time "training" them how careful to be with my film. Yes, they have scratched a few over the past 3 years or so, but never lost any. Now my favorite employee, who was manager of the photo dept, just moved to work at another Walgreen's out of state. She trained her crew well, but she always had more concern than any of the others. So we'll see.

I know something like losing a roll of film can be pretty discouraging, but you might want to give them another chance. I've been patient and respectful of the crew near me, and have formed a great relationship with them. Even though I let them know when they have disappointed me, I also pamper them with an occasional "thank you" gift to let then know I really appreciate the extra care they take with my film. Good luck
So I've decided that Walmart processing sucks....I know....Duh! Where do you guys send your film off for developing?

You mean Walmart in-house, right? Will soon be a moot point, anyway; they're phasing it out.

If you can wait, bypass the hour lab and go for the drop box. It goes to Fuji or Dwayne's (lower price than direct).

If you need 1-hour, see marke above. My local Walgreens and CVS give very good service, too. Talk to them, try to find out how busy they are, how old the equipment is. The guy at my CVS is happy to chat, knows what he's doing, wears a Kodak Certified badge, but their machine is probably nearing retirement age and won't be replaced when it goes. Time to take my business to Walgreens where the kids know nothing but the machine is only a couple of years old.
I use WalMart "Send Out Only"

I use WalMart "Send Out Only"

The kiosk, envelopes and dropbox. In fact, tonight I just dropped of a roll of 120 E6, for processing and sleeving only. It should run me about $5.00 and no postage/ship. Have been doing this for my E6 or C41 processing for about two years. C41 with 15 shots on 120 (645) runs about $3.00 with prints. No problems, other than the wait. If that was a problem, I'd do digital.
The kiosk, envelopes and dropbox. In fact, tonight I just dropped of a roll of 120 E6, for processing and sleeving only. It should run me about $5.00 and no postage/ship. Have been doing this for my E6 or C41 processing for about two years. C41 with 15 shots on 120 (645) runs about $3.00 with prints. No problems, other than the wait. If that was a problem, I'd do digital.

I don't mind waiting

Thanks for the info guys
Use Special Instructions

Use Special Instructions

If you use the Fuji Kiosk and drop box.....

Be sure to mark the envelope clearly "SEND OUT ONLY". Otherwise, they may open the envelope and do in-house. The object here is to avoid in-house at all costs. Let Fuji develop or let them send what they don't do to Duanes (or other). My understanding is that Fuji does C41 and sends E6 to Duanes (or other). I've heard variations of that, but the bottom line is your film will be developed in more closely controlled facilities. The time for return is approximately the same.

Another thing about this is that the in-store people will simply glaze over when you ask them about this. I have never found an in store person who knows anything about this process. When I have questions, I call the number on the envelopes. I repeat, DON'T even bother with the in-store people. They are oblivious to what Fuji does with film sent in. Just make sure your envelope goes in the drop slot in the kiosk. Don't hand it to them over the counter. Save yourself the agony of Blank Stares.

Regarding Medium Format, you must fill out the special instructions at the bottom of the envelope pertaining to the nature of the film in the envelope, and the services you want. On E6, I ask for processing, sleeve and do not cut. On C41, I specify 120-C41 with negs and prints.

If anyone wants to see how I fill out the envelopes, contact me. On a previous post on this matter, I attached images of the envelopes, showing how to mark the special instructions for 120. I cross out the areas for 35mm. If processing 35mm use the regular instruction section, plus special instructions if you need them.

I have never tried to get scans through this process. I don't know if it's possible. I treat this method as film only... not digital.

Remember... Be sure to Clearly Mark..."SEND OUT ONLY!!"
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You may have found the last Walmart with a film machine. All of the Walmarts in NW Houston trashed their machines about a year or two ago. I send out all color, 35mm & 120 & 220, through the Walmart drop box. Piece of cake.
I use Walmart mostly for E6 and K14 - never had anything but first rate service. I use Walgreens for C41 - I'm happy with them too. Rite-Aid has problems for me.
When your photography depends on Walgreens or Walmart you're in trouble. Normally I shoot only B&W and develop it myself or send it to a pro lab. The last few days I've been chasing down light leaks/shutter issues w/ a camera and have had to use cheep color film and take it to Walgreens for 1 hr so I could get some quick results. Today, the machine was broke when I went there. so I drove over to a Walmart and they no longer do it in house, they send it out and it takes a week. Then I drove to another Walmart where they still had 1 hr. and sat in the Walmart McDonalds waiting on the development just looking around and feeling as if I were in the middle of that movie Idiocracy. Two Walmart and one Walgreens visits in one day. I don't ever want to do this again.

It's amazing when you see how much of your photography can be at the hands of someone else's machine and dime store employees. This all reminded me of why I stopped shooting color film in the first place. From now on I ck light leaks w/ regular B&W film and do the developing myself.
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you usually jinx your developing job when you tell the clerk to be really careful with the film, cause it was from your trip to africa, etc., .... guaranteed to screw up your film, always does it.
I've gotten a pretty good connection with the local Target, they know me by first name, know what I want, and usually get my negatives within 45 minutes of dropping them off. :D