Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I took my kids to my work place today, and I shot one roll of film with the Canon 85/1.5 on a Canon 7. The light is good.
A hot Sunday in Tokyo this weekend. I picked up a clean Canon Ftb SLR with one of my favorite lenses, the Canon FD 35/2 concave. The old FD concave lens is made with thorium glass, and this old lens is definitely a little "warm" looking. I ended up paying $90 for the camera and lens.

Surprisingly enough, the Ftb was in ready-to-use condition, and even included a new battery in an adapter. I decided to have a little fun and do a 35mm lens shoot-out. As I mentioned before, the 35mm FD concave is one of my favorite lenses, and I decided it would be nice see how well it would compare with my favorite Leica 35mm lens, the Summaron. I got out my M6TTL, attached the Summaron, and took turns between using it and the Canon. I got a roll out of each one, shooting the same scenes using the same settings.

Hopefully I'll have time to process the film this week, I'm curious to see how well the lenses fared against each other.
I snapped some shots with a Zorki 3C (that I bought from BuzzardKid), while riding my bike around a nature reserve.

Unfortunately I did not have any tele-lenses with me when I ran across a wild deer grazing in a grassy field. :(

My father's birthday party is next weekend. Might snap a few pictures there.
It is Friday! I have no clue yet what I will be doing this weekend (beyond grading final exam papers and student projects)
I will try to enjoy this weekend with my family.
This may be a good weekend for the Nikkor 105/2.5.

What are you up to?
Tonight is First Friday in FBrg so I'm going to put a roll or two Kodak BW400CN through my M4-2 to try out the Canon 35mm 2.0 I just purchased

Tomorrow's plan is to head into DC and put a few test rolls of Porta 160NC through the M5 I just purchased.

Will also try to process and scan a few rolls of MF B&W film
Local agricultural show tomorrow (Garstang) and then on Sunday will be taking the horses out for a ten mile cross counrty ride .
I`ll take the M3 with a 50 Summicron and 90 Elmarit and a Pentax ME Super with 100/2.8 SMC lens to both .
I got a lot of exposed film to develope, but I need developer. I'm thinking of trying that HC-110/Rodinal cocktail for HP5 shot at 320.

Also will be biking to explore a vast industrial area for future shooting of urban landscape.

I was given an Agfa Optima Sensor last weekend, I think I'll wander the streets (Paris) and see what I can find to take pictures of...
Shooting a golf tournament this weekend, which means hulking DSLR, hulking big lens and a monopod. While I actually enjoy playing golf, I hate to shoot it. Boring! :)
Tonight is First Friday in FBrg so I'm going to put a roll or two Kodak BW400CN through my M4-2 to try out the Canon 35mm 2.0 I just purchased

Tomorrow's plan is to head into DC and put a few test rolls of Porta 160NC through the M5 I just purchased.

Will also try to process and scan a few rolls of MF B&W film

That Canon 35/2.0 will knock your socks off! My favorite.
Catching up on developing and contacts mostly. Possibly finishing a roll of Ektar and starting some K64, depending on the weather.
Going camping in southern Alberta. Hope to do some calender/cheese prairie landscapes and email them to my Dad! Remind him what the west looks like. Should be fun!

Taking a Mamiya 7.
No specific plans, but since it won't be so #$%@# hot this weekend (meaning "only" the low 90's) I think I'll take the M2 for a walkabout. It's been sitting idle with some Ektar for much too long.

Dunno know about others, but hot weather really dampens my interest in being out and about. it's hot all over, but around these parts (central North Carolina) we had the hottest June on record and the second hottest July on record. Walking around looking for things to take pictures of when it's around 100 ain't fun. And it's a soggy heat, boys and girls.

'Course, it could be worse. I could be in Moscow breathing forest fire smoke.
1) A matinee movie tomorrow with my bride.
2) Some rest as I am working full time now, and just finished a full 40-hour week of custodial work, getting our high school ready for the new school year.
3) And definitely some Kodachrome 64 shots with the Yashica Lynx 14E IC.
I'm glad to see you busy, Paul.
I just completed a summary write-up on cancer in florida....
I am preparing myself mentally for a weekend that will involve some photography. My kids are one week older than they were last week, so this is a sufficiently good reason for me to take photos this weekend. I will try ti take some photos of the beaches and the clean-up progress there.

Are you considering to do some photogaphy related activities this weekend?
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Depends on the weather, but I'd like to get out and do some 4x5 landscapes. More as practice getting back into the LF process than anything else.
Seeing some limited egagement film that won awards at Sundance with the girlfriend tonight. Keeps the peace.

Will meet-up with John (JsRockit) to shoot some urban landscape of some desolate industrial areas that are kinda lonely and empty not far from where I live in NYC.

I just developed 12 rolls of 135, but I figure I need to acumulate more exposed 120 and 220 in the fridge before having enough to do three 4-reel tanks as to economize the use of fixer. Thus I will likely shoot 220 using a Mamiya 6; and I might bring out the Rolleiflex 3.5F as to have a wide/normal pair.

Already scouted out the vast area with a bicycle and a Nikon SLR with a wide. I'm sure we'll also explore new locations.

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