Weekend Photography Plans: What are you up to?

I want to do some more test shooting later today with my new Canon 35mm F1.5 lens. So far I am very impressed with what I am getting.
The Canon 35/1.5 is not everybody's favorite since it flares when shooting into a light source. It can give some beautiful photos, which you may like.
Just got back from shooting a roll earlier today in Colonial Williamsburg Va with my Nikon-S and 35mm Nikkor 2.5 . Absolutely gorgeous day, upper 80's and very low humidity for this part of the country. Most shots of colonial gardens although several of people enjoying open air cafes.
Hi Raid
It`s the chaps from here plus Purelight and sometimes we are joined by a few from the Leica User Forum.
Eight of us out today covering the gay pride do in Manchester which was headed by Gandolph (Ian McKellen).
Lots of coffee drunk ,visits to the Leica dealers and a new photo gallery .
Stewart brought a copy of his new book and I brought a few prints.
Plenty of lens swapping and chat.
Bob (France) tries to organise things but we tend to drift around the city centre and then regroup.
Always good fun although for the first time a street vendor asked me not to take her photograph.
I`m afraid that I didn`t comply and reminded her that it was a public place and that I was within my rights.
She packed up and moved away.
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I face this often in the USA. Maybe they don't have work permits, and having photos of them taken makes them nervous.

The RFF meetings sounds like fun.
I witnessed discrimination against males on an old street in Cairo. When I politely asked whether I could take photos, the men waved with their arms "No", but a pretty Woman walking beside me was encouraged to take photos of them. Oh well.
Thing is Paul , I look as though I am :)
Not my fault I just seem to give that impression.
I`ve had funny looks before when taking shots at deportation protests.
It`s the way that I dress....sort of casual but with polished brogues.
Sure sign of a plain clothes officer :)
Took my new Sigma DP2-S for its first real outing in Wilmington, NC. Just quickly scanned the results: I need to get adjusted to what the VF sees, since it is somewhat different than what the lens sees.
I took my darkroom exhaust fan apart and cleaned/serviced it this morning. Very nice airflow again. I'm going to try and hack my Contax G 45/2 so it brings up the 35 viewfinder. I want 100% coverage not 90%.
Just curious, is anyone making the pilgrimmage to hear the Prophet Glenn Beck, at his Tea Bag Party on the mall?

I would be there if I could. I'm watching some of it on the web. He's trying to channel Martin Luther King Jr. But I don't recall seeing velvet ropes at the "I have a dream" speech.

It's interesting to hear what he doesn't say. No explicit mention of the President. Only oblique references to "a nation at the crossroads" and similar, umm, STUFF.

I stopped by for a while and took some photos. Saw a guy with an R3A (or m?), but no other rangefinders. My only m lens is out of commission, so I had my SLR with me.

flickr link to photos
The rain is gone and we have sunshine in Pensacola.
I will look for photo opportunities.

What are you up to?
At the moment, I'm prepping some stuff for a barbeque galfriend and me are invited to. Will bring the little Contax and one of the Hexen with me, for my usual, habitual chronicling. (I like to think that someone will thank me for this in a bunch of years...)

- Barrett
Nothing firm planned but whatever I do it will involve my 90 Elmarit. I`ve been neglecting it of late and have forgotten what a useful FL (for me) it is.
I tried a CV75/2.5 last weekend at the RFF meet in Manchester but....
Weather been warm here of late .
Made some shots ealry this morning in some fantastic light brought by a little cool front that brought the low to 59F at sunrise. Lovely streamers of mist, sunlight through crystalline air, what blessings ...
Made some shots ealry this morning in some fantastic light brought by a little cool front that brought the low to 59F at sunrise. Lovely streamers of mist, sunlight through crystalline air, what blessings ...

Are you sure about the 59F? WOW!
I should have been at the beach.
Oh yes, quite sure up here in north central Alabama. I think the low tomorrow morning is supposed to be 56, then back up in the mid-6os for daybreak the rest of the week. The A/C has been off all day. My bride and I went ooff on our scooters at mid-day; more pics, and then lunch with our daughter-in-law, her dad, and our grandniece by marriage. Now, we are on the front deck in the shade and breeze. Wi-Fi is nice, eh?
Sounds an idyllic weekend Paul.
Autumn always has the best light.
Nights are drawing in here.
Dusk by 9pm.
Mornings a little chilly.
Mist and mellow fruitfulness.