What Magazine Do You Regularly Read?

What Magazine Do You Regularly Read?

  • Leica Fotografie International

    Votes: 26 24.8%
  • M Magazine

    Votes: 15 14.3%
  • Inspired Eye

    Votes: 9 8.6%
  • Black+White Photography

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • B&W

    Votes: 8 7.6%
  • LensWork

    Votes: 15 14.3%
  • Photo District News

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • American Photo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Digital Photo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Digital Photo Pro

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Digital Photography

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Popular Photography

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • Practical Photography

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Digital SLR Photography

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • N Photo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Outdoor Photographer

    Votes: 9 8.6%
  • Nature Photographer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nature photography

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Professional Photographer

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • Shutterbug

    Votes: 7 6.7%
  • Playboy (hey, it has pictures!)

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 50 47.6%

  • Total voters
Only Black & White Photpgraphy UK for me now. Used to work in the news trade for some years and got to read every one of them. B&W is good as shows good work from both pro and amateur photographers, both film and digital. I've bought it from the beginning and it's now nearly up to issue 200. Think I may have to pass them on soon to gain some space.

Only Black & White Photpgraphy UK for me now. Used to work in the news trade for some years and got to read every one of them. B&W is good as shows good work from both pro and amateur photographers, both film and digital. I've bought it from the beginning and it's now nearly up to issue 200. Think I may have to pass them on soon to gain some space.


Its available on Pocketmags. I read it from there cause the physical magazine isn't available locally. It may worth trying to save space
I have a subscription to BJP (British Journal of Photography), and have just signed up for LFI as a result of this thread! M-Magazine looks good also, may have to consider adding that to the list too!
I enjoy reading LensWork on a regular basis. I read all other photography magazines only occasionally, and usually gravitate to the ones that feature photographs and photographers over gear articles.

I figure this is because I can easily get my fill of gear articles and discussion on-line these days. It's much more difficult to see well-curated exhibitions of photographers' work on-line, and I prefer seeing them in print anyway most of the time.

Amateur Photographer (weekly!). I also write for them. As did George Bernard Shaw: the magazine has been published since 1884. Sure, there's a lot of hardware stuff but there's also a strong concentration on images, and astonishingly little recycling of articles. Yes, you'll get a "Landscape" issue or a "Portrait" issue but (for example) beside me as I write this is "The SHARPNESS Issue" (23 July). With a weekly you need to be a bit more inventive than with a monthly. My column (on the back page) is only about pictures: in that issue, it's a Raghu Rai image from 1989.

Also, most contributors can read and write as well as taking pictures: something that can by no means be taken for granted in all photo magazines. Sure, relying on a magazine for news means you'll be well behind the internet, but equally, how urgently do you need to know about the 15th new Nikon this year, or the latest Sony wireless flash? Read a good magazine and you'll probably get more considered, thoughtful and above all readable articles than on the internet, though AP is also available on line: http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/

It's a stiff $236.99 a year ($4.64 an issue for 51 issues) even on line, but consider the old saying, "You get what you pay for".


I agree. I really enjoyed Amateur Photographer but had to let it go. I think I will try and pick it up online instead. Some good articles in that magazine, sometimes even the gear stuff.
Starting back in the good ole days of the 70's I always had yearly subscriptions to Popular Photography and Modern Photography.

In today's world the magazines seem to be all about Photoshop and the "latest digital camera of the month" and related. I have no use nor desire for any of that.

I do some digital, but 90% is film. So no interest in articles about digital cameras or file manipulation.

(Ouch! Sorry for the sarcasm!) ;-)
I used to like Photo Techniques a lot, back in the analog-only days. Lots of good darkroom tips. It's the one I miss the most.
.. . In today's world the magazines seem to be all about Photoshop and the "latest digital camera of the month" and related. I have no use nor desire for any of that.. . .
From AP 30 July, "Special Issue-Creative Blur" (the issue that was on my desk:

P3 (first page -- they number the cover!) Editor's intro; B+W reportage picture from Brexit campaign.

PP4/5 Reportage pic in color from Black Lives Matter (Iesha Evans facing heavily armoured riot police) and "Weekend Project" on "Easy Traffic Trails"

P6 News page

P7 News page, including someone raising money for Help for Heroes; funny pic; 1/3 page round-up of exhibitions (feasible with a weekly; of limited interest outside UK)

P8 Piece on colour "signatures" of films and digital cameras

P9 Ad

PP10-15 Article on long-exposure blur

PP16-17 Article on motion blur

PP18-19 Letters pages; survey "Do you use Youtube to learn about photography" (39% yes, 29% yes but not regularly, 19% no, 13% never considered it); masthead

P20 Ad

PP21-23 Using shallow depth of field in portraits

PP24-25 Ad

PP26-27 Soft focus lenses including projector lenses, magnifying glasses, supplementary lenses, bad teleconverters, plastic lenses, old zooms...

PP28-30 Photoshop. First pure digi article!

P31 Ad

PP32-33 Analysis of Maasai Dance pic taken at 1/6 second for motion blur

PP34-39 Pictures from current round of APOY, Amateur Photographer of the Year. First place Czilla Sucs (?Hungarian) from Bath in the UK; second, David Travis, Staffordshire, UK; third, Petr Ritschel, Czech Republic; fourth, Adam Zoltan Nagy, Hungary; others UK (19), Ireland (2), USA (2), Greece, Argentina, Latvia.

PP40-42 How to control depth of field (aperture, focal length, sensor size, distance)

P44 Bag review

P45 Sensor cleaning kit review; ad

P46 Ad

PP47-49 Review of Laowa f/2 (T/3.2) 105mm lens

P50 Ad

PP51-53 "Lenses for Selective Focusing" (Lensbaby, Canon TS-E, Fuji 56/1.2, Lomography Petzval, Tamron 85/1.8, Meyer 100/2.8 Trioplan, Samyang 50/1.2, Leica Noctilux 50/0.95, Nikon 105/2, Canon 50/1.2, Lensbabies) Prices from £59 to £7,800; call it $80-$10,000, remembering that UK prices include VAT (Value Added Tax) at 20%,

P58 Ad

P59 "Technical Support" (help column). Two topics: Canon Pixma printer and IR film (yes, FILM)

P60 Ad

P61 "My life in cameras", the cameras used by Paul Cooper, described as a sports advertising photographer; from Nikon F3 in 1985 to Pentax 645Z

P62 Ad

P53 Technical article: "Bokeh and lens design" by Professor Robert Newman

PP54-81 Ads

P82 (last page) My column, "Final Analysis", this time with a 1900 still life by Professor Gabriel Lippmann (1845-1921) inventor of the Lippmann process. The week after was a flower study by Paolo Pellegrin.

So no, not 'all about Photoshop and the "latest digital camera of the month" and related'. Most of it is as applicable to film as to digital, and there are lots and lots of excellent pictures.

There are lots of ads, sure, but they keep the price of the magazine down. It's a LOT more expensive than many US magazines but look at what's in it -- and unlike some US magazines, it's not just ads with a few articles for the look of the thing: there's an editorial calendar rather than an advertising calendar.

Of course I'm biased, because I write for them; but equally, it's a very, very good magazine, and it comes out 51 times a year (the Christmas/New Year issue is combined, but thicker than standard).


This list is merely US centered.

Here in Germany we do have other magazines of course.

I regularly read:

LFI (German edition)
(Those 5 in print.)

Others only occasionally, just when the topic is somewhat interesting.
Hey...us US fellers like your Brit mags. If we can't read them we still like the pitchers.

(What's that, Playboy is a US mag...)

Never mind. :D
I was a magazine junkie about a decade ago, everything from Road & Track to Adbusters and Aperture. I found I didn't have time to read them after college and would end up throwing them away, unread. I tried the whole iPad subscription thing a few years back, but didn't care for the format. Just last month I got a print subscription to National Geographic for $12. It's one of the few print magazines I enjoyed the most. With all of the online content on the forums and various sites, I can't justify buying print at newsstands.
The UK version of black and white magazine for me. Only one I have ever subscribed to. Once read they are given to a friend who gives them away afterwards to the local photo club.

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