What's Your Best Bargain Find?

This thread gives me sweaty palms, so many great deals. An earlier reply noted how many past deals appear great now, with the immense price increases for quality film gear. How very true. Having only started to shoot film in 2016, my best ones so far are
  • a 105mm AI-S Nikkor 1.8 for 120€ (it had stiff focus, which I was able to fix by cleaning and re-lubricating the helicoids)
  • a Nikkor-P.C. 8.5cm f2 ltm + Leitz ltm adapter for 170€ (I love this lens for portraits, they have appreciated considerably in recent years)
  • and a Canon P for 40€
I also bought a Rolleiflex SL66 SE with HFT Planar 80mm and a spare back for 600€ last year. Not a steal, but good value indeed.

And last but not least a Hasselblad 2000 FC/M with Zeiss Planar 110mm f2 and both a waist-level finder and a PME metered prism... which I got for free! The lens was extremely hazy but I cleaned it up, and I finally have found a mechanic who will help me with some minor mechanical issues on the body.
One of my best buys was when Freestyle closed out their private label 100 foot 35mm black & white film. Most of it I paid around $20.00 per roll.
Leicaflex Standard body in mint condition for $47. Minolta 28mm MC Rokkor lens for $9.95. A pair of Ampex 6973 tube amps for free.