Where Can I get a Decent Thermometer?


Grain Lover
Local time
10:05 AM
Dec 24, 2010
I'm looking to get a decent thermometer but my local camera shops don't really have anything. I heard that one good bump can ruin a thermometer so I'm hesitant to get one shipped to me. I think I would prefer digital but I'm down for anything so does anyone know of places that sell thermometers that I should be looking at? Anywhere I wouldn't expect? Pharmacy's and stuff?

I live In Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada
RH Designs (UK) sell a digital thermometer that will operate in either F or C.
Not cheap but very good. <http://www.rhdesigns.co.uk/darkroom/html/thermometer.html>
I use a digital thermometer with a wire that is meant to be placed outside, to give the outdoor temperature. It measures with 1 decimal place accuracy, and has always worked great for me (I place the sensor in the developer, just give it a good rinse afterwards). $8.00 at walmart.

I use a laboratory thermometer (like you use in chem lab). They cost about $8, are accurate to 1 deg. They are available from amazon, lots of places.

I use a laboratory thermometer (like you use in chem lab). They cost about $8, are accurate to 1 deg. They are available from amazon, lots of places.


Another vote for a simple lab thermometer. A local school could probably hook you up.
I'm looking to get a decent thermometer but my local camera shops don't really have anything. I heard that one good bump can ruin a thermometer so I'm hesitant to get one shipped to me. I think I would prefer digital but I'm down for anything so does anyone know of places that sell thermometers that I should be looking at? Anywhere I wouldn't expect? Pharmacy's and stuff?

I live In Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada

Yep, pharmacy or stuff. Try a brewers shop, i`m sure you got these in Canada, or a farm supply company [ used for artificial insemination..watch out for cross over]
I'm using a digital thermometer that I got from my grocery store that measures to one decimal place (I dropped the glass one I had, not fun to clean up...).
A mercury thermometer is the mst accurate IMHO. Not sure if you can find one anymore. Make sure it reads below freezing. You can check the calibration at any time by simply imersing it in an ice bath. My old Kodak thermometer has been with me for decades.
I use a mechanical dial thermometer which I bought from Adorama. (I think that they call it a "Color Thermometer"). It has an advantage over a mercury thermometer in that it gives an almost instant reading. For my black and white work, absolute accuracy is not important as long as I get consistent readings.
After I dropped my mercury thermometer 15 years ago (a mess indeed) I have used a Patterson alcohol thermometer. It is accurate, but the equilibration time is prolonged compared to my old mercury model. I have to stop 1/2 degree from the goal in order to let things settle down and then re-check the temp. It adds a minute or two to each developing session. I haven't changed out of the fear that everything that I have done is calibrated with that thermometer and will have to be re-checked and re-done. Themometer inertia versus person inertia.
Best kind, cheapest price here.

eta: bumps are no problem with this kind of thermometer. In fact you can drop it, and if it goes out of calibration, just recalibrate by turning the nut on the back of the dial (wrench is included in the case.)
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Another vote for this one...

Best kind, cheapest price here.

eta: bumps are no problem with this kind of thermometer. In fact you can drop it, and if it goes out of calibration, just recalibrate by turning the nut on the back of the dial (wrench is included in the case.)