Where is Canon?


Did you say Nippon Kogaku
Local time
5:34 PM
Feb 2, 2006
Canon seems to be missing big time.
Where is their offering?

It seems like they missed the boat!
Canon seems to be missing big time.
Where is their offering?

It seems like they missed the boat!

I'm sure they have one developed and ready, just waiting for the right time. I hope they don't follow nikons lead and make some little consumer blob with no manual control.

On the other hand, I don't really care that much - the m4/3 cameras and lenses are great and diverse and for really high quality photography I just use my canon full frame DSLR!
I never thought that Canons AF was as good or fast (arm chair internet based opinion) as Nikons and they way Nikon has announced the speed of the AF with the new lenses might take a long while for folks to answer.

Now, it should be said these are slow lenses (larger DOF) and Nikon has been working on silicon for their camera control engine so my guess is they might have a heck of a lead.

The lack of manual control on the first generation bodies is not a big deal as I don't have the need for one right now. If they came out with a wheel and rocker set of controls for shutter speed and aperture on them it would be sweet. Perhaps they are taking the Apple approach of solid functionality and add the bells and whistles every 9 to 12 months.

If they had those controls and came out with some world class Nikkor glass in primes I'd jump. They are such slow lenses though......

I do not think you are going to see a Canon answer. Too much of a risk for them.

Canon seems to be focused on video cameras for the time being, which is good for them in the EVIL arena too because the key technologies for video and for EVILs are the same.
This could become like the early 60s when Nikon was selling tons of Nikon F and Canon was still making Rangefinders.
Back then it took them 10 years to catch up.
"new Canon mirrorless in 2012" mentioned in an interview with Canon managers in the Japanese press - report by mirrorless rumours http://www.mirrorlessrumors.com/canon-confirms-mirrorless-camera-coming-in-2012/

There's a link to the Japanese press article - anyone good at translation?

thanks for the link, it was an interesting read!

however, don't get your hopes up. it seems to me that Mirrorlessrumors.com has really jumped the gun on this. in the article Mr. Maeda says that Canon would like to release a mirrorless camera in 2012, however he also says that really what Canon would like to do in 2012 is release a compact or DSLR camera that will mop the floor with (he uses the term "devour" lol) mirrorless cameras all together. he says that Canon has been watching the mirrorless camera market closely and has come to question whether or not interchangable lenses are really necessary. he also agrees with the interviewer when he comments on how a mirrorless camera/system would detract from their compact and DSLR products.

really the overall impression that i got from reading the article is just the same thing that's already been said: Canon would like to release a mirrorless camera but really aren't ready to go down that path yet. they'd much rather focus their efforts on improving what they already do.

now if you want some CEVIL news the real news from the article (granted i havent read it all) is from Olympus who says they're going to release a more "Olympus-like" (whatever that means) camera that'll be way better than the PEN series. i'm excited already! :D

edit: p.s. this new Olympus camera will have a viewfinder!
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I thought I read somewhere that there aren't even any development mules out in the hands of photogs for the EVIL cameras, so I don't think we'd get one just sprung on us.

I have a lot of L glass and Canon bodies. The NEX system is looking pretty interesting. If Canon had an offset system that could satify my wifes need for a smaller camera and take my EOS glass in a pinch, I would have bought a Canon NEX system.

I start looking at the NEX system and what it is capable of and I start to wonder if I start down that path, will I venture back to the EOS, and more importantly, will for Canon, will I be buying 5DmkIII and 8D and more L glass.

The G13 follow-on to the G12 is not the answer. Maybe it is time for Canon to suffer some generational market loss.
Canon, like Nikon, can rely of dragging users into their boat later stage than others, with compatible lens, flash etc. systems + service network. IMO large sensor G was good move from them.

However, there is an argument that the existing G-series cameras don't quite live up to the impressive photographic credentials (they seem rather large for cameras that don't offer any significant image quality improvement over the much more pocketable S95). The G1 X offers the promise of the image quality living up to the level that committed photographers would be looking for.
the fact that things are selling well now does nothing for how far the market will have changed in 3-4 years when all the stuff that has been in development by other companies starting the past few years starts getting released.

maybe canon will be able to pull a rabbit out of its hat (or at least sit there in better stead while laughing at nikon for pandering to the masses and getting nowhere), who knows.

but it would be nice to see something attempting to be innovative. otherwise it's going to be the RF vs SLR domination from the 60s all over again...