Which forum for the old Fuji X10

X10 Forum

X10 Forum

Hi, No there isn't at the moment. I own one but i just doubt there could be a forum about the X10 : not enough owners...
It's a peculiar camera I'm sometimes happy with and sometimes angry at.
Peculiar ergonomics too.
RAF are surprising sometimes.:(:(:(
I used to have the X10, gave it to my grandson. I liked it a lot, especially the size and ergonomics. After a few years the optical VF went wonky, was permanently out of focus, so I took to using it with an Olympus external hotshot-mounted VF that was originally intended for micro-4/3; the native format of the X10 is 4:3 aspect ratio. I'd set the X10 lens to 28mm equivalent, to match the external VF frame lines. Very LTM-esque.

There was some other Fuji discussion forum a few years ago where people were discussing improving the X10 dynamic range by using the Wide Dynamic mode at ISO400, supposedly one member said it gave improved results. I never could see a difference, except in the wide dynamic mode the camera was doing pixel binning and hence the images were of reduced size. I ended up just shooting JPEGs usually, but sometimes I'd shoot raw and use SilkyPix. Didn't see much benefit in shooting raw, image-wise, as there was little extra available in the raw file that wasn't already in the JPEG. And the camera could also do its own in-camera raw conversion to JPEG.

Neat little camera, wished they'd improved on it with the same sized sensor and control layout instead of what they ended up with in the X70.


P1100784a by Joe Van Cleave, on Flickr