Which medium telephoto prime do you use/like on your X body(s)


Registered User
Local time
4:48 AM
Jun 23, 2005
There are many wonderful zoom lenses, but at this point in time, that's not me. I'm a stubborn guy who grew up with primes and leaving Nikon and Leica Film cameras is enough of a change.

I'm wondering what lenses you guys & gals use on your X bodies that have an effective focal length in the 35mm world of between 75 and 135?

I'm ok with AF as long as it can be over-ridden. I prefer "Classic" look glass.

Any thoughts?

B2 (;->

I would try any Nikon or Leica lenses you have and like with an adapter. That way you have great and familiar glass at the cost of an adapter.
The focal length range you're looking for is 50mm to 90mm actual. That with the 1.5X crop factor gives you the 75 to 135mm look.
I have used the LTM 90mm Elmar and the LTM 50mm Summitar as well as numerous Contax RF and SLR lenes in this focal range. I find if it's a lens you like in 35mm you'll also like it in crop mode.

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What Bill said.

Just because it was available in my cupboard, I tried the Minolta MC Rokkor 85mm f/1.7, and I like it on the Fuji. But I'd not go out and buy one for this purpose, as they are a bit on the expensive side.

On the other hand, I also like the Fujinon 60mm f/2.4. Completely different results, however.

I fear this won't help. ;-)


p.s. a bit out of the requested range, the M42 Pentax Super Multi Coated Takumar 135mm f/3.5 ... especially nice is the lever to select M or A mode (aperture wide open in A, closed to selected value in M)
I seldom use anything over a 50mm equivalent focal length these days. That said, the Voigtlaender 75/1.8 Heliar Classic is one of my favorite lenses...for any system. It's a bit large and heavy for the focal length but mine is smooth as silk in focusing. I planned on selling it along with the other manual focus lenses I was using on the Fujis but I couldn't let it go. It has beautiful rendering although it's not as sharp as some shooters like these days. In contrast, the Fuji 50/2 is dangerously sharp...and small. Very nice lens.
I tried both Nikon and Leica lenses on my Fujis. They all were disappointing compared to the original X-lenses: lower contrast and not very sharp.
In the desired range I can recommend the XF 1.2/56. It´s nothing but extraordinary.
I use the Fujifilm 50mm F2 WR (75mm) and Fujifilm 56mm 1.2 R WR (84mm) and they are both great. The 90mm F2 (135mm) is considered one of Fuji's best lenses.
I had the 56 1.2, not WR, but sold it for the 50mm f2 WR.
No complaints about the 56's IQ and no doubt I would have kept it if my usage were as a portrait lens.
But I wanted an all day walk around lens and the 56 proved to be too large, too heavy and bit too long a FL for me.
Quite satisfied with the 50 f2
I agree with others regarding the use of your vintage manual primes. They can deliver very good results, the lower contrast can be easily tweaked, even in camera to some extent. Since the Fuji sensor crops, your image will be from the center of the image circle, where performance is often best on these old lenses. But this also means less swirl and other characteristics, in case they are what you're after.

If you decide to buy a Fuji-native lens, the 56 1.2 really is a great lens. A money maker for wedding photographers. Not required if your main goal is to take landscape photos at f11. Another great (and big) lens is the 90mm f2. Very sharp, very nice rendering. Another great portrait lens. As others have stated there are other options that are much smaller and lighter (50 f2). But in my opinion, all Fuji lenses all seem rather light compared to equivalent vintage lenses with their brass helicoids...
I love the XF 1.2/56.

The XF 50/2.0 R WR, I like the results.
Same here. Excellent lens. I also use a Nikkor D 60mm f2.8 micro with a Fringer adapter that retains all but the AF function due to no screw drive motor in the Fringer. Wonderful sharp lens.
Only one right now, am not going to spend any more $ on Fuji stuff...(a Fujifilm 15-45 came with Camera )

50mm F1.7 X-Rokkor, Full Frame Lens made in Japan; (75mm FoV 75mm 相當 ) Great lens! what can i say...( w Chinese Fotasy MD-FX adapter)

Img Taken by Taipei-metro

Canon EOS T4i,
Canon 18-55 Lens made in Japan
Neewer SpeedLight fired
lower Res Fitting Fff
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