which photographer would you want to talk with?

At the time I was working with a lot of people suffering from traumatic brain injuries. I was in Japan, thinking about Fukase, and got in touch with some people who knew him. They said he didn’t get many visitors. Unsure of whether it would be viewed positively, I went, read to him for a while, and left. The people I met who were his carers and guardians viewed what I did positively, and I wouldn’t have seen him had I not been received this way. Visiting wasn’t about the photography, that was about trying to do something human for someone who was having a rough time. I would have liked to talk to him about photography.
I understand, thank you.
I made a point in my early adult life of seeking out and meeting a lot of people who I was interested in, for one reason or another. NYT Robert Frank: New Orleans Trolley Often they didn’t talk about photography, or whatever the core component of my interest in them was. Sometimes they didn’t really talk a lot at all. Maybe it’s my manner, but I was only asked to go away once, which I did immediately. You can learn a lot about people’s lives, attitudes, and, ultimately, about the things you are interested in about them from small seemingly peripheral details if you go about obtaining them the right way and can absorb them without bias or judgement. I feel like I’m a better person for having done these things, and I can see most people’s points of view, even if I disagree with them.
Salgado, no hesitation. And I’d ask him about his monograph “Workers”, which a big reason I started my own long term project.

I’d also ask him why Genesis is so bloated with so many redundant photos.
This is a tough one. So many photographers to admire. For me it would be Lee Friedlander. I find his perspective to be so unique and inspirational. Maybe Alex Webb for the same reason.
This is a tough one. So many photographers to admire. For me it would be Lee Friedlander. I find his perspective to be so unique and inspirational. Maybe Alex Webb for the same reason.
Those are good ones, but I think only Alex Webb would talk to you about photography. ;)
If the users of the camera lucida are also counted among the photographers, Ingres would be the man I would like to talk to. I would like to talk to him about his paintings and drawings anyway, but paintings and drawings are not photographs and are not participating now.
