Who all here gets "free" stuff when you buy?

Peace Camera in Raleigh gave me two rolls of film when I bought a Holga 120 camera from them. & I had an ebay seller give me a Yashica GSN parts camera when I bought a fully working GSN from them. I put the battery in the GSN parts camera & it works, just looks a bit rough plus missing a battery cover.
always put extras in ( packs of dektol or fixer, old film, etc ) never even get a PM back saying they received what they originally bought, much less a thank you.
I've received a couple of camera cases with P&S cameras purchased from eBay - one is a pretty nice Tamrac I used for my digital P&S...
I found an Ashton Cabinet cigar inside a plastic cigar tube I ordered. The tubes came as sets of two with a nylon holder, and cost perhaps 3 bucks. The cigar was a 52 ring x 8" in perfect condition, worth 18 to 27 dollars depending on the store.

I've had someone include a free Bay 1 filter when I ordered a set of close up lenses for a Yashicamat 124.

I got a chinese plastic fish with another order.
Bought a Bessa T with heliar recently from Japan, the seller included a translation of my name in Japanese, and lots of Japanese chocolates, very classy. I always had a high opinion of the Japanese people since visiting Japan, and that just confirmed it.
The only free thing I've ever got is the small screw for the rewind lever on my M2 from Digitalintrigue here in the forum...
When I buy camera bodies, now and then there are nice unexpected additions. That way I got (included in the street price of the body) camera cases, lenses, film rolls, batteries and flashes for free. All working.
The shop owner that develops my film has given me tea or coffee every time I stop by, a CD with instructional videos for Photoshop, a 120 roll of Ektachrome 64 and two of T-Max 100.
I bought my first Leica, a M4, at National Camera Exchange in Minnesota. They threw in a free, working, Leicameter MR-4 and some original M4 promotional material.
a free busted shutter on a K1000 I bought in the classifieds here a couple of years ago. A free "It was working when I sent it" when I tired to return the thing and get my money back.
A handwritten letter with an FM2n I bought of eBay. Interesting back story to the camera (previous owner got the camera to document expedition across ice in Canada).
I once received a camera packed in filthy old crumpled newspapers which were infested with cockroaches. They were an exotic breed of cockroaches, from several thousand miles away. They jumped out and started to multiply in my apartment. I had to call an exterminator.

I also received a camera bag which had dried fecal matter on the bottom, and I wasn't charged extra for it.
When I purchased my hassy i got like 1 kg of candy with the packaging haha... The customs officer was not too amused but I was.
And my local film shop always sends something for my birthday.