Who likes Olympus Pen F half frame SLRs?

Thomas's favoured mode of transport:

Pen-FV, 42/1.2, Acros 100, Diafine

I've moved on to full frame for a bit, so there will now be a short intermission (or a long one, depending on how the mood strikes me!)
Great foot!
I think I still have a couple of Olympus Pen cameras in some box or another... I should hunt one up and shoot with it a bit. :)

I'm not sure why, but I've had more fun with them than I've had in ages with other cameras. Small (pocketable), light, and quiet. Even using an external meter, such fun!
I'm not sure why, but I've had more fun with them than I've had in ages with other cameras. Small (pocketable), light, and quiet. Even using an external meter, such fun!

I know that feeling. Every time I put a Minox in my pocket... :)[
Okay Pen F lovers, do any of you know how to calibrate the shutter speeds on a Pen F. I just got one off the auction site and it appears to be in really nice shape, but the shutter speeds are wonky. Actually I could live with some of the wonky speeds, but the 1/125th is actually 1/29th, and the 1/60th is actually 1/8th. The slower speed are close enough, and the higher speeds 1/500 & 1/250 are about as far off as is usual for camera from the 1960's and I can compensate for that. But these two speeds 1/125 & 1/60 are just wacko. Any idea what might be causing this and how to remedy the situation?


I think the only remedy for that is a CLA from someone who knows the cameras. I'd recommend asking John Hermanson at zuiko.com. He doesn't care for Pen repairs due to lack of spare parts, but if you don't need a repair, just cleaning and lubrication, I suspect he will agree to try.
Thank you for the suggestion. I did contact John Hermanson at zuiko.com. He no longer services Pen F and Pen FT cameras. He will still service Pen FV cameras, but absolutely no Pen F and Pen FT cameras.

Good news! The repair guy in Quebec City has come through for me, and got the FV working perfectly, with all shutter speeds correct. Apparently, the issue was dried lubricant contaminated with crud preventing the film sprocket from moving into the locked position for positive traction on the film. After cleaning and new lubricant he tells me it is like new. Cost was $225CDN, $292CDN with tax and postage. So when it arrives home, I shall try it out and if all is well, I'll send him my other FV, which works but probably would last longer than I will if it gets a CLA. I also have an OM-1 in need of service, but I think I'll still use Mr Hermanson for that as he knows his prism foam and so on. The Canadian Revenue Agency b*stards always hold a camera coming back from him until I send them the repair bill, and then they charge duty and tax on the 'increased value'. This is unwelcome and possibly unfair - if I pay John Hermanson $200 to service a camera I then pay $60 more just to get it back into Canada?

Anyway, for Canadians who have cameras to repair, go look at http://servicecamerapro.com/ and talk to René Genest. He speaks excellent English. He spent most of his working life at Hasselblad and is willing to repair any mechanical camera and the shop policy is that it is at their risk - no charge if unrepairable. He reckons he has a couple of years left before retiring.
Good to hear Chris. Once you get the camera back, please run it thru its paces and let us know how it works. So many folks say they can service these cameras, but not many of them really can. The shutter speeds on these camera are usually pretty far off. If you guy in Canada can remedy that, it would be a godsend.

Good to hear Chris. Once you get the camera back, please run it thru its paces and let us know how it works. So many folks say they can service these cameras, but not many of them really can. The shutter speeds on these camera are usually pretty far off. If you guy in Canada can remedy that, it would be a godsend.


The camera came back yesterday, the viewfinder is clean, wind-on is smooth, and the film sprocket issue has been fixed (the sprocket wasn't broken, but had accumulated sufficient dust in it's grease that it could no longer go into the locked position, so it was in permanent 'rewind'). He tells me he has adjusted the shutter speeds so they are accurate. So I'm going to send René my other Pen-FV (which works, but needs a CLA) and I think I'll include an OM-1 that sometimes refuses to wind on - he has indicated he is happy to repair it and deal with any prism foam issues along with the usual maintenance.

And here's a shot from the other FV of two squirrels learning to tolerate each other (though they were fighting noisily again yesterday). 100mm/f3.5, Superia 400.

Hey Chris, Glad your FV came back in great shape. My F arrived from Japan and seems to be in good shape. Just need it to warm up a bit here so I can get out shooting with it.
