Who You are(?)...fingerprint


Local time
8:52 AM
Jul 31, 2006
We can say whatever we want but the photographs we take often says more about our own identity. Go back through your images...maybe some new ones and post here. Please don't get lost thinking too much about this.
What are you trying to say...?



from another angle
Ok, here it goes... Shot with the legendary Canon Powershot G10... The camera that changed how I photographed, but I'm not going to buy another one because serendipity cannot be repeated... Photography for me is a journey with no destination...

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There's a lot of this sort of thing in my work over the last couple of years. I could say it's about the disintegration of pioneer values in the face of modern something or other blah blah blah but really it's more about me being interested in what the area around where I live was like, not that much more than 100 or 150 years ago. Small towns, transiently appearing and disappearing with the success or failure of local mills and tanneries, or the commissioning or decommissioning of local post offices. Most of these places are long gone now, but many of the graveyards are preserved, if falling apart a bit.

Sole monument - Old Presbyterian, King
by Richard Wintle, on Flickr

White snow, dark trees - Strange, Ontario
by Richard Wintle, on Flickr

Llloydtown cemetery, Ontario, Canada
by Richard Wintle, on Flickr
Interesting topic, not sure I'm following the idea 100% ... but I'll try :)

This is a shot I took late last summer that has stuck with me. That's not very common for me with my own work, so I've tried to figure out what it is about it that draws me. I think I just love the element of human interaction, and the easily-identifiable emotions expressed in this captured moment.

High Five by jloden, on Flickr
...not trying to say much - i just enjoy the quirkiness of life and the memories the pictures give me.

I am trying to develop my street photography reflexes. The world can move by very quickly; in the blink of an eye a good shot is gone. This one might have been better one blink of an eye sooner. Taken with a Yashica 124G and Efke R100.

amore pizza
by sreed2006, on Flickr