?wide angle Bessa III


Local time
8:22 AM
May 24, 2009
I am looking for a wide angle MF folder. Is there any news that one is in the works? If not, is there an older model I should consider?
There aren't that many wide angle folders to begin with. The Makina W67 is a collectible by now.
That would be perfect for me, while I like the folder, I'd be scared of breaking it. A simple bolted on fixed lens suits the cack-handed like me better.

Obviously does not have interchangeable lenses like my Mamiya 7, but I only have one lens for it anyway, so does not make a great deal of difference to me.

Without the complex folding mechanism, I wonder if this will cost less than the folder, if it does, consider me interested.
I doubt it will be cheaper - wide angles sell in smaller numbers, so that the (arguably smaller) R&D cost has to be spread across a smaller production.
Fair point, but it looks pretty much the same as the GF670, so I'd hope a lot of R&D can be re-used. Either way, looks like a great camera, and I'm happy to see Fujifilm making such interesting cameras.
A lens with 10 elements in 8 groups sounds like a very new calculation, and should be a serious contender for the high-resolution throne - the 6/4 formula lens on the GSW series already was excellent.
they seem to be touting it at the landscapae photographer market and I'm sure there will be many takers maybe including me. But I think pro photographers will jump at it for some architectural and particularly group shots as in weddings and the like. I rekon it'll be a must have camera for a lot of people.
Never undestood why fuji stopped making their MF cameras they seemed so popular with professionals. Extremely simple and easy to use with no bells and whistles for the most part.