Windows 7 Laptops Ridiculously Cheap Right Now

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Head Bartender
Staff member
Local time
3:09 PM
Mar 1, 2005
If you have not noticed

Windows 7 Laptops are out of fashion and Ridiculously cheap right now.

For example, I just bought a 17" Sony Vaio with the i5 processor and a Blu Ray drive for $600. About a year ago it was about $1200 if memory serves.

Prices seem to be low due to

1) Windows 8 is coming out, so it costs less to discount Windows 7 laptops than call them back and install Windows 8

2) ipads and tablets are so popular laptop sales are going down, with manufacturers reducing stock

3) some makers like HP getting out of PCs - at least if Meg does not reverse that decision

tablets may be smaller, but laptops sure do a lot more !

All I need is an Apple Logo to tell people I am the proud owner of the new, larger, improved, ipad 3.

What is the lowest cost MAC these days?
I would like to try out a MAC, after using only PC's.
Raid, Apple has THE simplest offer of computers, so it will not take you more than just a few minutes to check their webpage and figure out how much is what (try that with HP ... a joke ..).

As much as I like ( I really do) my 3 year old 13" MacBook (the alu body is really great and touchpad a dream, the OS is stable), but I would still say - just get what you need to get your work done and what you are comfortable with. There is more hype than healthy running around Apple today and it screens the (still very positive) true picture. There are no "perfect" products out there (though many crappy ones ;) )
Alas, in France, the keyboards are all AZERTY, not QWERTY. Also, I'm not sure how much processing power I need in a laptop. What do people do on the road that requires much power?


Please don't give me a Windows laptop. It will cost me more in time and virus prevention/cleanup and OS re-installs and driver updates to pay for a couple of MacBooks. :)
I liked (to my surprise) Windows 7, though it still has some habits and conventions that I find annoy me. We have a small desktop PC running Windows 7 with 4GB RAM and a 1TB drive, and it is reasonably quick.

But I much prefer my new MacBook Air. I know the hardware isn't really comparable due to different processors and the SSD in the Mac.
The only windows computers worth having are still not at crazy low prices. The only windows machines I would touch are Lenovo T series thinkpads. Aside from that I would prefer System76 (Ubuntu) or Apple (even though their OS is largely annoying most of the time).

Right now I run Ubuntu on an old Thinkpad T60. Works great. Better than most newer computers.

For me, my laptop is my main machine. So I need the power. I chose the Air because, with a disability, I need as light and compact as possible. Need will vary for each individual.
It's not just the laptops. I just bought a PC on the sucktion site (or is it auction site?) that had 2 gig memory, 3 ghz processor, 160 gig HD, Windows XP Pro, and a CD/DVD player/burner. $60, incl shipping. Got my Sony Trinitron ($50) hooked up to it, and it's really, really neat.

I NEVER get viruses or trojans, and I go to some pretty sketchy, questionable sites. That has nothing to do w/ having Windows or not having Windows. That's just Mac-Speak. Put an antivirus program on your PC or Mac, that's what they're for. Been running the free version of Avira for years now, and no slowdowns, and never a virus. Never.
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Actually Mac os kernel is unix based. If u come from the old unix world get into the unix terminal on Mac os and u an do everything from the command line.

That being said, for me the main reason I left windows was that every so often window registering problems would pop up and it would either take for ever to fix or u needed to re-image the hd.

Windows gets attacked by more viruses than any other os because it is the most popular. Now that Mac os is getting popular, I suspect it will be targeted as well.

Actually Mac os kernel is unix based. If u come from the old unix world get into the unix terminal on Mac os and u an do everything from the command line.

Who the hell is that even in reference too?

Personally I prefer a hot stick in the eye over command line anything.
Who the hell is that even in reference too?

Personally I prefer a hot stick in the eye over command line anything.

Too each their own. Hot stick in the eye and all. Their are some things that u can only do in the cmd line for your ubunto and the Mac os that will get u out of trouble that the nice friendly gui that u love in ubunto cannot

Who the hell is that even in reference too?

Personally I prefer a hot stick in the eye over command line anything.

That means you restrict yourself to only those functions that the qt/gtk coders allow you to click on?
Funny how a thread about inexpensive Win 7 laptops draws in so many Mac Heads. It's like a religious cult sweeping in to 'save' us. I've used a number of OSes and I've found Win 7 to be very stable. And I haven't been hit by a virus since the 1990's.
I want a new laptop. Mine is 2 years old, and even then it was a slower ultraportable. I realize I really don't need a 3lb laptop and would like to get something more robust. But I really don't have the funds right now so I'm just going to make do with what I have and deal with the 24 seconds it takes to export an image from lightroom.
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