X100 - No black body?

I didn't understand the fuss over color until I pulled out a silver Canonet on a bus for a quick shot. Light hit it, throwing blinding little slots of light all over. I ended up putting it away quick as it drew enough attention to disrupt the shot I was trying to get.

I like silver when the camera is going to be visible as the vintage look seems to put people at ease. I like more matte cameras for times when I don't want to draw attention at all.
Let`s really go Reto. How about Bakelite ?...... ;)

Seriously though, my personal opinion is that it looks just
fine. But then again it may because I`m of that age. Hope
it works works as well as some of us are hoping. We`ll just
have to see how things unfold.

Well the silver is what IMHO, is getting us all gussied about. It is just so classic looking. Maybe someday we will find out if it works.

No, that's not at all what's exciting me.

I don't care whether it's silver or black – I just want it to work really, really well.
Let's face it, this is a retro style camera primarily for the Japanese market, so that market's preferences will dictate what's made.

I'd like to seee it available in both chrome and black, but I want it with pressed brass top and bottom plates, so that when the chrome or black paint wears, we can have a lovely brassed appearance. Maybe Fuji can do a "Jim Marshall Special". :)


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I think we are drawing some odd conclusions from a non-functional prototype. The final product could look very different.

I'm not so sure this is the typical prototype... I mean they have sites up, documentation about it, videos, etc. I think it is close to a final design ...
I'm not so sure this is the typical prototype... I mean they have sites up, documentation about it, videos, etc. I think it is close to a final design ...

Agreed. They've even posted MTF plots for the lens. Many mfr's don't even do that for released cameras.
From evidences so far seen, you know: demo models in Photokina, press releases, optical diagrams for O/EVF, MTF curves, web site with updating, etc. etc.; if the camera is really just a development announcement, I wish other would have done half as well.
It would be silly for them not to capitalize on the excitement they have generated. This will be made and will be made in its current form basically.