Yashica LTM Yashica LTM

Yashica M39 M39 screw mount bodies/lenses
ain't those Yashicas basically Niccas after the take over?

Yep, they're basically Niccas.

The YE was basically a rebranded Nicca 33 and the YF was an update to the Nicca IIIL that Nicca had in the works when Yashica took over.

Nicca wasn't doing well as the SLR's market share began to bite into the RF market. Yashica was in a bind as at the time you couldn't buy an off-the-shelf focal plane shutter the way you could leaf shutters (Copal, Seikosha, ... didn't have them until the early to mid '60s) and Yashica wasn't making any of their own shutters. By acquiring Nicca they acquired a ready-made shutter factory which proved a good compliment to their existing skill set. The two RF models merely finished out the market left for the Nicca models.
He shouldn't have talked down the camera so much, it's going to ruin his price. I mean, it does have the original lens cap! It also has the Yashinon lens instead of the Yashicor that was used only on the domestic market cameras. I've got a YF, and one day hope to get the YE. Nikka also made a version for Sears, sold as a Tower model (sorry, I don't remember the model number). You can look it up here http://www.craigcamera.com/research_tower.htm

The Sears Tower 3F (2nd version with lever wind) camera was the same body as that Yashica YE, all made by Nicca .