
Paul, this sign means that they've installed fancy speed bumps intended to "calm" fast drivers. The irony, however, is probably as inescapable as the traffic itself and anything but calming.
Paul, my bike has recently become second most indispensable photographic tool. Much of what of I've shot this summer has been while pedaling about. When I used be able to go fast, I always thought "someday, I'll slow down and come back to this spot to shoot ____ and ____." What happened was, I never got back to those places (and, progress being what it is, sometimes those places I meant to return to changed so much that they weren't worth of photographing anymore).

Anyway, this year I decided that, weather permitting, I'd try to tote a camera with me on every ride. I carry a Crumpler 3 Million Dollar bag ($28, barely used from eBay) with either my M8 or M2. As I'm no longer as fast I once was, it's actually kind of a joy of a different sort to stop and smell (or shoot) the proverbial roses. As you can see, I stop quite often and for just about anything that catches my eye. Life was good when I keep a steady 15 to 20mph pace. It's good now, too, even at 12 to 14mph. But, this way I get to make more pictures.

I probably passed this sign 100 or more times before shooting it.
So true, so true.
You on your bike when you came upon this?