Your secrets & tips ... Creating ‘Dirty’ jpgs/dngs

Yes, I tend to lower sharpening in camera , next time will try turning completely off

Will also experiment with 3200 and above iso / never went beyond 1600
Thank You ~
Here´s one from the Alpha 7 with FD 50mm/1,4


I mostly use the Neopan 1600 emulation in Silver Efex.
For color, I use Lightroom only. For B&W, I use: and Lightroom.

This software allows for a lot of experimenting. Here's a recent one that was done to my taste (not exactly yours):


While I like sharp, high contrast and crunchy... you can certainly go the opposite route and there is many different grain styles available.

Love it John,
Dark, moody, a story in motion
Thank You for the link and honored your posting a photo, a rare thing these days, Thank You & Yay!

Agreed, I too love contrast, sharpness ( to a degree) and a new word it I get it , ‘crunchy’
Good topic, Helen. Here's one from an X-Pro that reminds me of your aesthetic. There's not likely a single global approach that will consistently give you what you're after. It's probably best to create a preset starting point. From there it's a process of local edits. The SilverEfex presets and film simulations would be a good starting point. Tweak and save one as your own as a starting point, apply it, then edit locally to taste.


Great, Cool... Thanks for the info/ Link !
Will try the 30 day and then perhaps take the JUMP ~
Dear Helen,
I understand your concern. While the output can be good for many purposes, for others it is just too plastic. I even found that some films too were too digital for some photos, for example Fuji Acros! This is particularly the case when producing certain black and white photos. As a result, I have have a few presets in LR for curves and grain that I can use as a basis for further work. Silver Efex Pro also has some useful starting points. Another useful way is the approach used by Nick Bedford that is worth a look at:
I prefer to shoot in RAW so as not to throw away information before I am in control in LR. A couple of examples:
Fuji X-Pro2, 18mm
Shopping by John Beeching, on Flickr

X-Pro2, 35mm
Death don't have no mercy. Rev. Gary Davis. by John Beeching, on Flickr

Yes John, reminds me of Me certainly
Great shot !

Moody, atmospheric, Pulls at the heart and mind
Things we don’t necessarily want to see but this IS Life
Yes, I tend to lower sharpening in camera , next time will try turning completely off

Will also experiment with 3200 and above iso / never went beyond 1600
Thank You ~

If you are cranking ISO to get that look also be sure to turn down/off noise reduction. Depending upon the camera it might try to process out the noise which is where you can get the smearing/plasticky look sometimes.

Obviously not avoiding PP but also try the trial of DXO Filmpack. Lots of B&W and color films in it and they can be tweaked pretty extensively to make your own looks too.

Quick sample video just moving through the films and showing the controls.

Small sensor, high ISO, cropping, Silver efex

Agree about the small sensor. Just a couple as a test the Pentax QS1 with the 01 prime. ISO 6400 or 12800, ND filter on (built into lens), 3:2 AR, NR set to low, SOOC JPEG in the Bold Monochrome mode.




Makes a Barnack look big.


This probably doesn't speak to the aesthetic of the thread, one might call it digital anti-aesthetic perhaps; at any rate, with the right light, one can tease some character out of sharp occasionally ; - )

Split rail by mapgraphs, on Flickr
M-240, 35mm Color Skopar
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The closest thing to a film experience I've had is shooting the Epson RD1. Both in tactile and output sense. I strongly recommend one to you. OOC jpgs are wonderful, both the color and the B&W results.

the RD1,x,s was truly a magical camera
Agreed , so sorry I sold it numerous times / variations to climb the megapixel chasing

What have I learned... a fool I have been and how a 6mp camera ruled supreme

I third this. For myself, I post process the RD1 RAW to get cleaner files. But if you want grainy, gritty but sharp JPGs, the in camera are the thing.

With the RD1, I own 2 other cameras with the Sony 6mp sensor. The effect we are talking about is Epson's software not the sensor. Which is how I can post-process to avoid it. Looking at this the other way, if you only want that look, is it worth going back to the classic?
If using Lightroom, DxO or Capture One, try turning off both Luminance and Chroma noise reduciton. Chroma NR cannot be totally switched off with older non-subscription versions of Lightroom. I typically have Luminance at 0, Chroma at 5.

My favorite toy digital to date is Digital Harinezumi:
But the current site exists mostly as a portfolio of discontinued products, and current asking prices can be nutty. Sun & Cloud camera isn't quite as much fun to use IMO due to awkward shape, but it produces similar results and can still be had at relatively sane prices.
Hello Jonhbeeching:

Love the grittiness and contrast of the first shot
Second shot PURRfect for the upcoming holiday 31 October

Hi, Thanks for the Video,
will turn off noise reduction

Wonderful portrait of your / the Dog