Z5, Amadeo, S-Mount


Rocket Scientist
Local time
4:56 PM
Jun 11, 2007
Cross-posted from the Amadeo adapter thread.

Some notes on using an Amadeo S-to-M adapter on Nikon Z mirrorless: (this is the adapter version with full internal+external bayonets with focus helicoid)

I have a Fotasy M-to-Z adapter on my Z5. I may upgrade to a Novoflex, but the Fotasy seems to fit well. The Amadeo slots very nicely into this. No wiggle.

I use the Zeiss 50/1.5 Sonnar, Voigtlander 25/4 and 35/2.5 Skopars. All mount and operate well on the Amadeo (no issues with the Voigtlanders, since there is no RF coupling interference). The only issue I have is removing the 50. The fit in the adapter is snug, and since the adapter does not have an infinity focus lock, it usually becomes necessary to rotate back to minimum focus and use the stop as an aid to unmount the lens. Then I have to rotate the adapter helicoid back to infinity to mount another lens.

I’m thinking of just leaving the Amadeo dedicated to the 50 and getting a couple of S-to-M external bayonet adapters (no internal bayonet, no helicoid, no RF coupling) and dedicating those to the other lenses. Then lens swapping is just M-mount.

How I use the Z5:

I have the "middle-finger" function button set for 100% zoom and I have focus peaking on. I zoom in, focus, zoom out, recompose if needed and shoot. Very fast. Manual shutter, manual aperture (obviously), auto ISO.
Hey Kent,

It's funny, I do almost the exact same thing, or used to when I had a bevy of Nikon S mount rangefinder glass. I too find the Zeiss 50mm Sonnar fits tight in the Amedeo adapter and have to rotate it to the stop to unmount the lens. And I have the middle finger button on my Z6 set to zoom for focusing the MF lenses, though I don't use focus peaking.

For me the Z series Nikon cameras opened up a whole new world for old rangefinder glass.

Have fun.

Great minds :)

I’ve been waiting a lot of years for Nikon to come out with a compact, full frame digital body that would play nicely with MF glass (the FM2 was my travel camera). The Z is probably about as close as they are going to get. The real bonus is that it plays with RF glass! IMO it really is a nice looking, compact package used that way.