Back - maybe

Roger Hicks

Local time
9:22 PM
Apr 15, 2005
Just under three weeks ago, Frances had a mastectomy after 6 months of chemotherapy. Next: six months of subcutaneous herceptin, once every three weeks.

The recurrence of her breast cancer came as the same time as the complaints about my "driving clicks" to my other forums. I was never quite sure what people objected to in this: both the .eu and the .com forums are free, and ad-free, and there seemed little advantage in writing everything twice. I thought people might be happy enough to go to the .eu forum and then come back here to discuss things -- and of course to ignore the things they didn't find interesting. For some reason, some took exception to this.

So now I'm going to take a quick look at active threads, and maybe join in. Or not.


Roger--welcome back! Missed you and your comments. Also appreciate the references to your other sites--we DO always have the option of clicking or not clicking them! :)
Also--best wishes to Frances for a quick recovery!
Tell Frances that this RFFer wishes her the absolute best outcome through her ordeal.

It is nice to hear from you, too. Thank you for the update. I also wish you strength while you care for Frances.
Thanks for the kind comments and good wishes, everyone. I especially liked lynnb's suggestion: I really missed a trick there, didn't I?


Sorry to hear about the tough times affecting your family. I hope recovery is prompt and full.

I have always appreciated the helpful links to the website you and Frances maintain, so keep on posting them!
After a long fight with cancer, I recently lost my wife and the mother of our three children. I feel your pain.

I wish Frances a complete recovery.
Good to hear from you again Roger, and sorry to hear that Frances is so ill. All the best for you both. John Mc
Best wishes to Frances for a fast recovery and future good health. Glad/Hope you are back, Roger. I have enjoyed your input & articles.