Back - maybe

Roger, welcome back, and my best to you and Frances. Hope she makes it through this ordeal safely and with minimum distress.

With best regards,

Thanks once again to everyone for the kind wishes, prayers, etc. Tomorrow afternoon we're off to the hospital 50 km (30 miles) away at Chinon for a check-up, three weeks to the day after the surgery. All seems to be fine but it's still nerve-racking. Then, the Thursday after, 08:45 at the same hospital for the herceptin shot.

Meanwhile, Frances has just left for the Martaizé sewing circle (next village over). I feel a bit guilty when people call me her "carer": she takes an awful lot of care of me too, and as she said of herself on the first go-around in 2000, after we went for a 7-mile walk after the first chemo, "It's not as if I'm ill or anything. I've just got cancer." THAT'S how tough she is. I love her incredibly much.


Hi Roger, As you can tell there are a lot of us who have missed your posts. Wishing you and Frances well for the future. I am sure producing some fibre prints will cheer Frances up.
Hi Roger
As you know, I really value your knowledge and am glad you are back on RFF. I hope that Frances is steadily healing from her surgery and that her treatment is completely successful.

Steve Rosenblum
Yes, like others have expressed, your return is welcome, but I’m sorry to hear about Frances; certainly wishing her well.

When I was a newcomer to photography, her reviews in Black & White Magazine (around 2005-2007) perhaps did more to introduce me to the concept of rangefinders, let alone Voigtlander and Leica, than did any other source at the time.

Hope you stick around!
Welcome back, Roger; I’ve been “there” with my wife; we know each day brings its new items to navigate through. All my best wishes to you and Frances.
Roger, you are always welcome here. Very sorry to hear your news and look forward to better news. Bon courage.

Roger, my sincerest best wishes for Frances. Thank you for sharing this news with us, it must be a very difficult time for both of you at the moment. As Kirk has stated earlier, you are always welcome here!
My best wishes for Frances' complete recovery and know your strength will help her greatly in that recovery.

Glad to have you back on this forum. I've always enjoyed your posts here and articles in Amateur Photography.
Roger love to Frances... I can only imagine your distress in having such a close and special partner ill. I know your love will protect her.
Best wishes to Frances for a full recovery. I hope from the responses here you can see your voice has been missed. So... Take care of Frances and post when you can.

Roger, I have followed you and Frances from way back before this forum I think - way back to early Shutterbug days. I am very glad you have posted here again.

Wishing a complete recovery for Frances and a long life for both of you.
Positive energy to Frances. Been there, it sucks.

And Positive Energy to you Roger. Sometimes I think it's harder on the spouse. I felt so bad for my wife when I was sick, doing everything she could to help, but not being able to "fix it".
