Camera and Coffee

Doh, guess I have to look at page 2 before I submit an answer. Foiled again.
I must be missing out on one of life's greater pleasures, but I just don't like coffee. I like the smell of the ground beans in the grocery though.

Back when we were dating, my wife took me to visit her old Finn grandmother a few times, and she automatically put out coffee and stale bread for dunking. My wife doesn't care for coffee either, but we gamely drank up without protest. That anyone didn't like coffee would have been inconceivable to the old gal!
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Well there's another coffee addict here :p However, that pint looks tempting enough, if it only was Murphy instead of Guiness... :)

BTW Francisco, that I know there's at least one Starbuck's in BCN too, in Pelayo street, very close to both Casanova and Jordi Bas foto, that's what I knot it's there, hehe...
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Starbucks in Barna City! :eek: Ooops! Forgot about globalization...

Sorry, gotta go get a Guinness too... At least I have the glasses at home. My wife (who cannot warm up to the brew) got me four vintage looking glasses a year ago, and they're already seasoned contenders! :)
About five doors down my street is the best coffee in town, open 7 days till midnight... MMmmmm

My Zorki 5 w/J8 and a double strength.
Hey can I still play with you !? :rolleyes:

Another digi+loupe close up, freshly made black coffee + canon 7 :cool:
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No cameras were harmed in the production of this shot.

Except, of course, the camera in the pot.
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Francisco, that's a beautiful pen, but with all due respect, I think this is the ideal combo...

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Gene... I thought palm tops where 'spose to fit into your palm???

Stu :)
Joe, Stu, lol!! :D

Stu, that keyboard folds up into a neat little package that is scarcely any larger than the Palm. I stuff the pair of them into my camera bag and often use them for doing some writing when I hit Starbucks. I'm using older gear -- Palm IIIc and Palm folding keyboard. Got the folding keyboard brand new, still in shrinkwrap, on eBay for $10. It doesn't work with any of the new Palm devices and dealers are just dumping them to clear inventory. I was the only bidder ...

We do enjoy our retro gear around here, don't we? :cool:

SolaresLarrave said:
Can you surf the web with that setup?
No surfing with this old gear ... BUT ... using AvantGo software I can sync with the Internet to get certain news sites like Wired News downloaded into the Palm to read offline. Very handy actually. It's like loading up a fresh newspaper every morning with only the channels I want to read.

I'm sure that the latest gear does surfing and is wireless as well.

I *do* like your pen, Francisco! When I'm not using a keyboard, I use a Shaeffer fountain pen ...

There was a time when I got into fountain pens (as a kid, I was forced to write with them, believe it or not) and I gathered a very small collection of users. The one in the photo is a Parker Sonnet (a gift from my wife), I also have a Sheaffer in gold, a Lamy Safari, a Parker 71, a Waterman Phineas Fogg and a handy Parker 45 (which is in my pocket all the time).

Silver pens really look cool when photographed! :D