Konica LTM Got glass, need body. Konica 35/2 UC-Hexanon

Konica M39 lenses


Local time
7:23 AM
Mar 7, 2007
This was by far the most expensive photo equipment I bought in recent years. But 35mm is one of my favourite focal length and some of you said this is a dream lens (thanks for the GAS). Limited to 1000, I am quiet happy to finally got one of this jewels in my hands (No. 680/1000). Problem, I do not have a body yet, neither LTM or M-mount :-( . Which one would you get? Everthing from Bessa L to Leica MP counts? What makes a nice package here?
You could try to talk me out of one of my Canon VI-T bodies so I can partially repay myself for buying UC-Hexanon #636 a couple weeks ago. That lens has been quite popular in recent weeks. Yours is #3 this month at RFF.
Well, Noriaki seems to be a nice guy, so it is good to give him some business:) . I was just wondering, where he got all this lenses from. This must be a quiet rare item. The price seemed fair for that. I although do not believe these are copies, due to the built quality this lens have. I want to mount this lens to full sensor digital RF one day, but maybe this will not happen. So what body to get? The RD-1 is not interesting for me, neither the M8. That brings it down to film bodies...
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venchka, the Canon VI-T is interesting, I did not even think of this one yet. Do you use the UC-Hexanon mainly on this body? Maybe I will come back to you, thanks. Any more recommendation ?
If it was me I would put it on an M2 ...

But since it's LTM there are at least 10+ possible good bodies out there that you can use.
Whether you use a Bessa R or an MP, the photos will be the same, so depends on your
budget ... The Canon offered to you above is a great body.

Thanks, ferider. Can you give me some more details about the 10+ possibilities, please. Sure I was thinking about this myself, but I would be interested what you would do... M2 sounds nice. I am sure I would like it when I find a good example. Or even a M4P or M5 could be nice. But I am afraid with this "old" bodies that I will spend a lot off $$$ into CLAs and care. The Bessas and the Hexar RF although have a higher top shutter speed, which may be usefull when you shoot wide open.....
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ISO said:
Thanks, ferider. Can you give me some more details about the 10+ possibilities, please. Sure I was thinking about this myself, but I would be interested what you would do... M2 sounds nice. I am sure I would like it when I find a good example. Or even a M4P or M5 could be nice. But I am afraid with this "old" bodies that I will spend a lot off $$$ into CLAs and care. The Bessas and the Hexar RF although have a higher top shutter speed, which may be usefull when you shoot wide open.....

You can get a decent M2 with a CLA from Youxin Ye for less than US 600. And be sure that
the camera will work for a long time ...

I have never held the UC Hexanon, but from what I read it's very similar in size to the 35/2
Summicron or Canon 35/2. The Summicron is very well balanced on all M bodies.

Even though I own only few Leitz lenses I am biased towards their bodies (anything with 35mm frameline will
work for you). Other than the possible 6+ Leica bodies (M2, M4, M5,
M6, M7, MP), if you have no budget constraints, I would pick from

ZI, Hexar RF, Bessa R2* [3 possibilities], Canon (several ones), etc.

This lens will work even well on a Leica IIIf with finder ...


Or a Canon VT like mine. Still not sure if I really want to sell it. Maybe the black Bessa T should go. Too many cameras is a waste in my opinion. But the Bessa T is not ideal because of the separate VF.
Otherwise I can reccommend an M2 or later M. I am quite happy with my M4-2.
Thanks. A Bessa R would be ideal, because of the LTM but I may not like the built quality. Big on my list is also a Bessa R2, R2m or even better the R2a, because I like AE. But never handled theBessas as well. So I may be disapointed. ( In fact I hoped that you tell me to get one of the Bessas and go shooting.) As said before the pictures will look the same, but maybe a Leica or a nice Canon will give me much more fun and pleasure...

For the thread mount adapter. Will a $10 Chinese adapter do the same as the (expensive) CV or Leitz adapter? Any risks to ruin the mount on the body or the thread on the lens? Or problems with focus? Well, I just have this feeling that the CV adapter is nothing else, than the no name one from China. Any experience somebody? For a filter. Since this is an expensive lens, I think I should use a UV filter for protection. I never use filter on my fixed RF. What to watch out for when I want to get a "good filter" ? It may not make sense to put a cheap filter on a expensive lens, right?
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ISO said:
...For the thread mount adapter. Will a $10 Chinese adapter do the same as the (expensive) CV or Leitz adapter?

A thousand times NO! Leitz or CV only.

Filters: 43mm B+W MRC only.
An adapter should be a precise piece of machinery. Not just the mount and the threads, but also the exact thickness. A little off and you have no rf accuracy left.
Little experience

Little experience

As I said, I've only had my lens for a little over two weeks. It works fine on the LTM Canon body and equally well (with adapter) on an M5. I also have the original, all chrome, 34mm filter size Canon 35/2.8. That lens is very small. One of the smallest lenses I've ever seen in LTM. It is 24mm long. The Konica lens is about 4mm longer and 8-10mm larger diameter than the Canon lens.
Does anyone actually have experience with the Chinese-made LTM adaptors not being up to the standard of the Leitz or CV? (I've never seen one of these, but I find it hard to believe it's not made to the same tolerances.)
Interesting question KoNickon. Does anybody have an answer here, before going back to the topic. Please do not forget, I still need a body...:)


KoNickon said:
Does anyone actually have experience with the Chinese-made LTM adaptors not being up to the standard of the Leitz or CV? (I've never seen one of these, but I find it hard to believe it's not made to the same tolerances.)

Search here at RFF. There are people who have had problems with the lower quality adapters.

EDIT: Maybe I was lucky. I bought two Leitz adapters on ebay for a total of $80. I got a 3rd adapter with my UC-Hexanon lens. I don't think I payed all that much for piece of mind.
Yes venchka, you are right. You should not buy a Porsche and put no name tires on it - to say it in other words. I think I will get myself a CV adapter and a B+W filter for this baby. For the body... Well, if I look for a Lieca what would be the better VF? 0.58 or 0.72? I do not have glasses yet, so thats not an issue. I heard that the M2 is maybe the best Leica for 35mm. Also, I got offered a (rare) 0.58 black MP lately, which is in fact my dream camera. But it may be hard to pay for this one....
You missed a recent bargain user M5 in the classifieds here. There is another M5 currently for sale. There are two Canon bodies on the offering table. The one in the Netherlands might be easier to ship, customs, etc. You could patiently watch the classifieds here. There have been numerous, nice LTM & M mount bodies lately. Good luck! Welcome to the Fraternal Order of UC-Hexanon owners!