Leotax LTM Leotax - surprised by high quality

Leotax M39 screw mount bodies
Thats a co-incidence..I posted an ad this morning re Leotax wondering of their availability and how m many $$$ they cost. I see your model is a lever wind. What sort of money are you after and what is the condition? John [email protected]
Leotax information

Leotax information

I have a page on Leotax cameras in my site
Leotax construction was generally high and the Tokyo Optical Simlar lenses of good quality, especially if a lens hood was in use

Leotax DIII of 1947
Larry Huffman
Probably forty years ago Ed Romney, who wrote a book on camera repair, said that Leotax and Honor were the two best Leica copies. His opinion.
Probably forty years ago Ed Romney, who wrote a book on camera repair, said that Leotax and Honor were the two best Leica copies. His opinion.

I did see an Honor S1 at a camera show many years ago, it was very well made, and its Zuiho 50mm f2 lens was exquisite.
The only barnack I have experience of is my Leotax F which came with a Topcor 5cm f2 . It’s a lovely lens which has immaculate handling as well as excellent sharpness
I just got my first Barnack-style camera, a Leotax TV. I bought it for the lens attached. I bought a IVSB2 on the same day with the intention of unscrewing the lens off the Leo and sticking it straight on the Canon. Both bodies are CLA'd and finders as good as it gets.

The postman gave me the Leotax one day early, I played around with it a bit. 'This is cool, but I can't wait for the combined finder one' .. next day the Canon gets here, and it's too squinty.. pass. Turns out the dual finder system works just fine for me.

So I'm keeping that Leotax TV.. which makes me wonder, how does it stack up to a IIIg?
Does anyone know what the magnification is on the rangefinder of a Leotax TV? I've tried to find a website or book with information on this brand but so far no dice.