Leotax LTM Leotax - Topcor-S 5cm f/2 and Fujinon 5cm f/2

Leotax M39 screw mount bodies
Just finished college course in Photonics and guess what, all else being equal, good glass renders the finest "resolution" wide open! Next semester hopefully Geometric Optics... :)
my copy of the Topcor-S f2 5cm

Topcor-S f2 5cm
by Andreas, on Flickr

Topcor-S f2 5cm
by Andreas, on Flickr

Topcor-S f2 5cm
by Andreas, on Flickr

Topcor-S f2 5cm
by Andreas, on Flickr

7 elements, 10 aperture blades, weight 255 grams.
Love how the aperture ring feels, definite stops but smooth and light in movement, focus ring lightly damped turning 40 degrees from 1m to infinity, for me pretty much the lens whose handling I enjoy most.
I also like the photos it takes! My samples are all taken on digital cameras, if you don't mind that I may add some, here is the flickr folder: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kuuan/sets/72157644078970601

I have a Topcon 50mm F2.0 but for a Topcon Unirex (SLR). It is a really good lens, but I went thru your sharpness tests. Seems the winner is a Takumar 50mm Macro f 4.0. What surprised me with the fast lenses was the improved contrast with apertures around f8.0.