Lots of nice gear for sale, not many buyers?

Talking about the classifieds, I don't seem to be able to access them through forum runner; am I missing something? I have the full version.

gliderbee said:
Talking about the classifieds, I don't seem to be able to access them through forum runner; am I missing something? I have the full version.


Come to think about it: maybe that's a good thing (for my own good, as they say),but still, I'd like to know...
gliderbee said:
Come to think about it: maybe that's a good thing (for my own good, as they say),but still, I'd like to know...

They aren't available through forum runner.
Prices do seem to be going up a bit, and in the summer I think a lot of people (myself included) spend less time on RFF classifieds and more time out shooting--at least in the northern regions where I'm at.

In the winter, I spend more time indoors lusting after gear that I can use in the spring/summer :)
Down a few slots is a posting about c-41 labs closing. I think that puts a damper on buying new film equipment.

not sure about how it is in Virginia, but out here in Bangkok we still have some pretty decent film labs......also, I have my black and white darkroom when I want to develop/print black and white......

cheers, michael
Problem with feedback is that 90% don't leave them, this aint eBay. I've sold probably $10.000+ worth of stuff, probably more, my feedback section is as empty as... well, let's not go that far eh :)
Problem with feedback is that 90% don't leave them, this aint eBay. I've sold probably $10.000+ worth of stuff, probably more, my feedback section is as empty as... well, let's not go that far eh :)

This is because the feedback system is convoluted and buried, and difficult for casual users to even locate...to get feedback, it's best to send buyers a direct link and a friendly reminder.
This is because the feedback system is convoluted and buried, and difficult for casual users to even locate...to get feedback, it's best to send buyers a direct link and a friendly reminder.

Good point, I don't even know how you give or receive feedback, no clue at all. Is there a link or something?
Good point, I don't even know how you give or receive feedback, no clue at all. Is there a link or something?

Have a look at the information in this forum. There you find also hints how to give feedback to seller or buyer independently of the classified ad, just having the correct system userid of your counterpart. The userid is found looking at the link corresponding to a userid (e.g. dct equals to 41720).
I'm sure the film-to-digital thing has something to with it, but I also see plenty of people here giving up one format of film for another too. People switch from 35mm to MF and sell off their 35mm gear, etc. There is also a lot of digital gear up for sale--or at least more than usual--which leads me to believe it's more for economic reasons than anything else. People tend to hold onto the things they love for as long as they can, so even though the economy has been bad for a while, it's taken till now for everyone to start parting with their gear. I'm going to sell my Leica CL very soon, but not because I'm giving up film. Quite the contrary; I bought an M6 a few months ago and am selling the CL to buy more film!
Times have been tough for years, but that didn't stop the prices from doubling on a lot of classic gear over that time.

In one word I have an answer: recession.

Other economic indicators other than gear prices suggest a recession in the U.S., and there is a great possibility that this will have a great effect on the election later this year.

I expect a price drop like during the credit crisis.

Also not all gear has gone up in prices.

I'm sure the film-to-digital thing has something to with it, but I also see plenty of people here giving up one format of film for another too. People switch from 35mm to MF and sell off their 35mm gear, etc. There is also a lot of digital gear up for sale--or at least more than usual--which leads me to believe it's more for economic reasons than anything else. People tend to hold onto the things they love for as long as they can, so even though the economy has been bad for a while, it's taken till now for everyone to start parting with their gear. I'm going to sell my Leica CL very soon, but not because I'm giving up film. Quite the contrary; I bought an M6 a few months ago and am selling the CL to buy more film!


I for one culled down some 35mm film gear to expand my venture into medium format.

People price their gear too high for the current marketplace, so items linger on and on.

I recently found a great lens bargain on this forum and bought it, I think, within 2 days of its posting. The seller had no delusions about its market value.

I also put up for sale, on this forum, two camera / lens setups (one MF film and one consumer digital). One of these sold in two days and the other sold (this is not a joke) in under 2 hours !

Sellers need to get real about the current photo marketplace.
People price their gear too high for the current marketplace, so items linger on and on.

There are plenty of competitively priced items in the classifieds that don't sell too though... things that would have sold within hours a few months ago. I'm talking about equipment priced lower than stores and ebay.
thanks for the thread, I noticed the same thing and wondered if I was starting to lose my mind.
Heightened by the fact that I am going on 3 months of unemployment and have put a few items in the ads,
only to have very limited interest. I keep dropping the prices ......
It seems the buying is just much more conservative than usual. There are a lot more smaller items being
sold than higher priced big items. But usually there are enough folks with money to buy the higher priced tickets,
but apparently not right now. In other words, its a good time to buy, actually, b/c prices are going down due to lower demand.
I suspect I am an outlier, but I try to buy new stuff to the extent it's feasible (excluding brand new summiluxes, or if I want an out of production lense). Although I obviously can't increase film product demand on my own, I feel better about buying new from companies that had the balls to make the stuff in the first place, i.e. voitglander M-lenses and more recently, a Fuji GF670. We can't expect these guys to keep making film-centric products if we won't buy them. Otherwise, I am all for buying used
Good Luck fotomeow on finding a new job. Network with everyone you know. Thats how I found a new job. Don't give up.
It seems the buying is just much more conservative than usual. There are a lot more smaller items being
sold than higher priced big items. But usually there are enough folks with money to buy the higher priced tickets,
but apparently not right now.

The best of luck. Hang in there.

In my particular situation is that I'm maxed out on gear. At this point I really can't afford nor justify anymore, and like most people debt levels need to be lowered. I'm not buying nor selling, and I'm glad that I have the gear I have.
