Lots of nice gear for sale, not many buyers?

Man, when haven't we been in a recession in recent history?

The government calls what we are undergoing right now a recovery, but to me its like the old Wall Street move called "Pump and Dump."

Generally it takes 25 months to replace all the jobs that are lost once a recovery begins, but at our present rate of job growth it is projected that it well take till 2015.

Meanwhile Bailout Ben is saying we are not in a double dip recession even though the Beige Book is indicating a further slow down, and there is also a lot of talk about QE3 already.

Basically we are making all the same mistakes that were performed in Japan that cause the "Lost Decade," and basically we are in a "Death Spiral."

For more information and understanding read the book "Endgame." The truth is that we are in a big mess that likely will take decades to play out.

All this nice equipment for sale now on RFF. A few months ago it would have been sold in just a few hours at these prices. I now see listings for M cameras and lens that have not sold for over a week. The prices are very reasonable, have we hit bottom as far as demand on used M Cameras & Lens? Or is everyone selling the film gear to go digital? Or is money very tight, and we all selling to each other to pay bills or other expenses?

Two big factors are

1) summer vacations - a lot of people with money are on vacations with other things on their mind besides buying cameras.

2) many M9 owners are selling their M9's before a possible big drop in used M9 prices once the M10 is introduced at Photokina. This also means more M8 and M8.2 cameras on the market, as those people go after the used M9's.

Cal, I'd rather stay ignorant in my own little bubble. :eek:

In "Endgame" there are whole chapters on probable bad outcomes, but what is so scary is that all of these bad possibilities seem to be happening, not one, all.

Basically if you understand the sentence above it is all you need to know.

On a lighter note, its a great time to be a photographer because the world we once knew is basically gone.

I've been sorely tempted by at least 5 items on here in the last few weeks, but just couldn't justify them. That said I did pull the trigger on a couple.

A lot of ads include stuff that I already own but at much better prices than what I paid :cool:

"Want" and "Desire" are both justification enough. I couldn't justify taking Pamela Bigley to my Senior Prom, and in the aftermath of all that, my justification was shattered!
The situation is similar to the housing market in the USA. If you are wealthy and have lots of cash freed up for spending, you can buy luxury homes at half cost.
Perhaps the prices on Leica glass will extend the uptrend on Leica glass because of the release of the Leica M10. It seems that Leica couldn't meet the demand for their new lenses when the release of the M9 happened. Shortages of course caused price increases.

But in other areas of gear I see a lot of price softness and a bit of a glut/oversupply.

As time goes on it should become more clear in the fall/next quarter, especially because it's an election year.

I do online eCommerce for a living (consulting) and the summer months are always a bit slow for sales for many niches, travel excepted of course. I wouldn't be surprised if camera sales incur the same trend mid-summer after everyone has made their "pre-trip" purchases.

Who knows for sure but sales have been pretty slow here lately. As usual that might turn around in a minute :)
It's funny, after reading through the many responses that people have posted, I agree with some of them and then other ones, I don't.....all I know is I have been looking in the classifieds for an m6ttl .72 for the last couple of weeks and haven't had any luck.......I have seen lots of m6 classics at good prices and other cameras as well, but it seems the one camera that I am looking for is not available......oh well, I will continue my search throughout the next two months (while I still have the money saved for one) and hope I get lucky........but as far as Leica glass goes, I think it has gone up a lot......just my 2 cents

cheers, michael

edit....it if I was in Japan or passing through Japan I would pick one up there, or perhaps I get lucky and find one in one of the many cities that will be visiting in the next 2 months
We have this same thread repeating every summer here.

Just wait until September.
Well, its obviously the economy.

So, maybe the government should buy all this stuff to stimulate it.



Indirectly that's what I did since the credit crisis. Back then is when I first started buying Leicas. Before that I was just a Nikon SLR shooter, but there is a limit to how much zero APR financing one can perform before getting into trouble. Eventually all that money has to be paid down.

Anyways government support for my photography is a lot more productive than supporting the banks IMHO. LOL.

We now have: "Lots of nice gear for sale, not many buyers?"
Will we have: " "Lots of nice buyers, but not many items for sale?"
This month I tried to sell several PEN-F items and FSU items, including some sought after ones like the PEN-F 38/1.4 and the FED 50/2.0 Summar clone. After a couple weeks posted here with no activity, questions, nothing (just hundreds of views) I put them on Ebay and they all sold. For MORE than I was listing here. I've done this about 5 times - tried to sell here first for a price lower than Ebay and get no bites, so I move to Ebay and they sell higher than I was asking. I've tried to sell Canon RF, Angenieux dream lenses, Leica stuff here to no avail. I guess its just a smaller market, or people want an excellent price before they'll buy. I've even put a half price offer on some of my stuff after a few weeks and still get - nothing.
Right (it's a smaller market here) and right (people want an excellent price before they'll buy). Also, the smaller market here consists of a larger percentage of people who likely already have what you are trying to sell, so the market is actually even smaller than you think.
This month I tried to sell several PEN-F items and FSU items, including some sought after ones like the PEN-F 38/1.4 and the FED 50/2.0 Summar clone. After a couple weeks posted here with no activity, questions, nothing (just hundreds of views) I put them on Ebay and they all sold. For MORE than I was listing here. I've done this about 5 times - tried to sell here first for a price lower than Ebay and get no bites, so I move to Ebay and they sell higher than I was asking. I've tried to sell Canon RF, Angenieux dream lenses, Leica stuff here to no avail. I guess its just a smaller market, or people want an excellent price before they'll buy. I've even put a half price offer on some of my stuff after a few weeks and still get - nothing.

The RFF market is saturated. That's what your data tells us IMO.