Some new photos from Fort Wayne


Real Men Shoot Film.
Local time
5:13 PM
Apr 1, 2007



Every time I drive past this little white house on Covington Road in Fort Wayne, the wind is blowing this big flag across the front door of the house. A visitor would have to walk through the flag to get to the steps!

I made these photographs yesterday afternoon.
Very folkloristic, you won't see this kind of patriotism in Europe. Here it is mostly forbidden to put up a national flag besides the few national festivities. Even wearing a little national flag on a button or sewed on a jacket would make you very suspicious around here.
Very folkloristic, you won't see this kind of patriotism in Europe. Here it is mostly forbidden to put up a national flag besides the few national festivities. Even wearing a little national flag on a button or sewed on a jacket would make you very suspicious around here.

Oh I don't know ... we take it seriously

I fly my US flag as often as I remember to put it problem is remembering to take it down at night...
There are probably another three homes that have flags flying in our neighborhood...
Amusing, considering that showing a flag is not speaking. I remember being lectured about those laws very sternly in Guam and American Samoa.

Interestingly I'm starting to notice more and more Australian flags on show in my travels. I've been driving through a very small out of the way place north of Brisbane called Crystal Waters lately ... several properties have Australian flags out the front!
Very folkloristic, you won't see this kind of patriotism in Europe. Here it is mostly forbidden to put up a national flag besides the few national festivities. Even wearing a little national flag on a button or sewed on a jacket would make you very suspicious around here.


I live in Germany, and I can't imagine any such law. Germans are mostly shy about patriotic symbols such as the flag - but that has to do with their very own special history.
Except, of course, when a football cup is on.
Great colors - I like this shot. If they had turned on the Christmas lights it would have been even better




Every time I drive past this little white house on Covington Road in Fort Wayne, the wind is blowing this big flag across the front door of the house. A visitor would have to walk through the flag to get to the steps!

I made these photographs yesterday afternoon.
Thanks David. It would have been cool if the lights were on, but I was happy with it. The colors of them still rendered well. A lot of people around here leave the lights up year round, turning them on only around Christmas, because they're too lazy to take them down each year!

Another one of the Allen County Vacuum Company. This place always has a large number of used sweepers for sale on the sidewalk in front of the store. I remember times in past years when they had more than a hundred of them out there! I told the guy working there that I was surprised that they didn't get stolen, but he said that they watch them constantly through the windows and have stopped several would-be thieves.
Nice pictures!

I think the flag-thing is intresting. Although it can send mixed signals, I think it's nice that people can show that they're proud of their country by waving the flag.

In Finland, where I'm from, it's a big no-no to openly wave around the finnish flag in any form, unless it's a national holiday or if you're a right-wing extremist. In a way I think that's sad, because that's not what the flag is supposed to represent. It seems to be the same way in Sweden, although I think people there just don't want to bother anyone with their flag, they're afraid that it might make the immigrants feel less at home or something.

When I lived in Denmark a year or two ago, I was surprised that they waved their flag at every possible opportunity, they're proud and happy to have the flag all over the place. I thought that was really nice.