Some new photos from Fort Wayne


This is the first thing I've posted in a couple of months. I've been sick most of that time, and haven't done much work. Last night, I made this abstract photograph of the sky over my house in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Welcome back, Chris. Sorry to hear you've not been well. Pretty!

Prayer candles lined up in front of the Kroger store on Bluffton Road in the Waynedale area of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The candles were placed there to commemorate Perla Nieto, a cashier who was murdered at the store by an angry customer on the morning of December 7, 2023. Perla had worked at the store for many, many years. I was a regular customer at the store; and I had known her for 15 years. She was a very kind person who is greatly missed by many of us in the Waynedale community.

Just seen this Chris. A poignant picture knowing the story.

A sign that says "Thanks Waynedale" in the front window of the former Landing Zone Coffee and Hello Sunshine Bakery on Lower Huntington Road, just west of Old Trail Road, in the Waynedale area of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

From 1955 to 2019, this was the Waynedale Bakery. The storefront sat empty until 2021, when Hello Sunshine Bakery opened. Landing Zone Coffee operated inside the bakery, and took over the business when Hello Sunshine closed in August, 2023. Landing Zone Coffee closed in May, 2024.


An electronic billboard that says "You Are Enough" near the Time Corners Shopping Center on West Jefferson Boulevard in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

This billboard flashes up several signs, each for a few seconds at a time in rotation. I was surprised to see it show a plain blue sign with that message, and no accompanying text explaining its origin or purpose. My research later discovered that billboards like this have been put up all over the United States by an organization called Giving Purpose in an effort to raise the self-esteem of those who see them.
