Anyone else being put off by all these non-RF threads?

I found this place looking for info on the Olympus XA, that started me on the road to GAS and I have had a lot of fun with various other rangefinder cameras I had no idea existed before I joined.
There is more to the site than just gear I have stayed because of the people here they are a great bunch.
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I like the fact that I can read about rf camera's, film slr's, & the newest in digital & don't have to frequent several forums. I get it all here.:)
First post here was two years ago on a non-rangefinder thread. You might say I was influenced by reading other threads on the forum since at the time I did not own a Rangefinder.

Now I own four!
I know the site's moniker may suggest some things to some people, but I was under the assumption this was a photography site. Isn't that the main thing?
I log in not to read about RFs in particular, but whatever the current chatter is about. Thats whats best about this forum.

Do you want to talk about photography or cameras?
Am I being picky? are...

The thing that first attracted me to this forum was the USP of "rangefinderness" - it was folks like me who enjoy the distinctive qualities of rangefinder cameras: the clue is in the name of the forum.

Over the recent years, as new products have been released, there's been an understandable interest in the non-dSLR world and the cameras have indeed been interesting.

However, I am beginning to feel that the USP (unique selling point) of this forum is being diluted with all the discussions about the latest Fujisonyricoh X-p99xx1z99 or whatever and there's less and less about rangefinders. Some of these cameras don't even have a rangefinder as their focussing mechanism.

There's even enlightened, informed discussion about dSLRs for goodness sake.

I know this is an enthusiastic, intelligent virtual community here, who are genuinely interested in comparing notes about the latest developments in photographic technology but I am finding fewer and fewer threads that I'm interested in reading.

If I'm in the minority then so be it. I don't want to buy an new camera: I want to enjoy the ones I have.

Since the different forums exist they are part of the overall site and therefore are legit..
I agree with John S and think that the NonRf threads are usually looked at from an RF enthusiastic's point of view. Can't learn less in this world so might as well see what is new/available because you never know.
I abandoned APUG (of which I was a paying member, by the way) because the mention of "scanner" caused people to soil their pants. That is exactly the kind of narrow-mindedness and norrow-minded people that I do NOT need in my life, and the reasonable broadness of this forum is exactly what attracted me here.


RFF is structured so you can conveniently and efficiently ignore Sections that bore or annoy you.

Why even be concerned about posts you'll never read?
I have rangefinders and SLRs and enjoy them both. I like reading and hearing people's opinions about both. I like sites that are inclusive and not exclusive. It's all good by me!
I think a lot of people here are more about cameras which look like rangefinders more than rangefinders themselves. But that's cool, a bit of variety is always welcome.
The owner of this forum is savvy enough to not discourage us talking in non RF lingo because the forum needs traffic to justify the interest of the various sponsors. He instigated the Fuji X100 sub-forum himself remember ... and that is very busy!

Make the focus too narrow and ultimately you'll wind up with a backwash where few venture.

To me this place is about the quality of the members and the diverse styles of photography that inhabit the gallery. Now and then I venture over to to look in their gallery and am appalled by the lack of variety there ... it's slick to the point of dull!
I have rangefinders. I also have other cameras. I think many serious photographers do. I started with a dslr, then got into buying functioning antique cameras, then found my father's rangefinder.. etc. I like this forum because it seems like more serious people are on it. It's not-- faddish. Yes there are gearheads which contribute to GAS however they also contribute a lot of information should someone want the latest-- or the oldest, out there. My suggestion would be to take the best [your perspective] and ignore the rest. I don't read every thread either. It doesn't all pertain to me, but it does pertain to someone.
Best forum I've seen. I wouldn't change a thing. There are forums with overzealous moderation and narrow focus which have almost stalled from lack of input. No sign of that happening here.
Probably happens to most forums. I'm a fly fishing forum also. The guys who have been on it for years mostly post in the Off Topic section. After awhile you just don't have much to say on fly patterns, which is the best 5wt and is graphite better than cane. But you are willing to post on your latest fishing trip.

I'd guess the same would apply here. Talk among those who have been here longer than I slows down when it comes to RF cameras, but they still use them and post photos from them.
For every Non-RF Thread started you can start two RF Threads and things will balance out...
I come in here mainly for the "Talk" whether that be RFs, SLRs, DSLRs, Folders, Sheet Film Users...I come to learn, explore, see and try for myself...
I've gotten out of Ruts due to other RFFers experiences...started using chemistry never tried before...bought a Tessar lens for my 4x5 because of he talk and samples here...
I've had light meters repaired by QLM because you Guys said he's the best (plus he's real close to me)
I've been fortunate enough to give away cameras (and other gear) that I will never use but someone else can...
Overall RFF has been one of the best forums that I've joined...not too sure I would have stayed this long if it was just about Rangefinders...