Best of Random Gallery Picks

Just spotted this by Vince Lupo ... I remember when it went through the gallery. Lovely shot!

Just spotted this from Semrich .... an absolute gem of a photo. Subject, composition and tones!

How about this from LynnB ... it just appeared with my last refresh of the home page! :)

Just spotted this from Semrich .... an absolute gem of a photo. Subject, composition and tones!


This one is really good!!
I may be biased because I love Ara Güler - his pictures of 1950s Istanbul are among my all-time favourites. The last time I flew through Istanbul I found a little gem of a photo book at a bookstore, a reprint of his 1950s essays that he wrote about Armenian fishermen in Istanbul for a Turkish-Armenian newspaper, reprinted in the original Armenian, English and Turkish, with amazing photos.
Vreme (2006), another little surprise by adamkrug:


Just powerlines in the fog and a photographer with a very good eye.