camera for girlfriend


Local time
9:01 AM
Oct 16, 2011
I shoot film but I have a Sony A7 + manual focus M lenses when I go digital. It works great for me but it's too complicated for my girlfriend to use, so I want to buy her a "point and shoot" camera that is a clear step up from camera phones. I'm looking for something that is incredibly simple to use, takes decent photos and videos (not expecting full frame), and relatively inexpensive ($500).

Years ago, I went with an M43 outfit and it served me well until I got a Sony A7. My E-PM1 + Panasonic 20mm f1.7 was terrific and I wouldn't hesitate to buy this camera again if it were still 2011/2012.

I've been looking at the newer Olympus and Panasonic cameras and the modern features, such as the wifi and "Selfie" mode, sound incredibly useful. If I were to go with an Olympus body, then I would probably go with an E-PL6.

I'm mostly familiar with M43 and Fuji cameras, I never cared for Sony (outside the A7), and I'm unfamiliar with the Canon and Nikon mirrorless cameras. I also do not know which pocket cameras are good, if I decide to go that route. The only pocket camera that I'm familiar with is the Ricoh GRD.

Anyone care to give a quick summary of the options and maybe specific camera recommendations.

If I were in your shoes, I'd seriously consider buying a higher-end smart phone, Android or otherwise. If you insist on buying a dedicated camera, have a look at Canon. They have a wide range of CMOS sensor point-and-shoot pocketable cameras that produce good results. I know, since my wife has been using Canon point-and-shoot cameras for many years and we're happy with the results. My wife especially likes the preset settings such as 'beach', 'candle light' 'children' etc... You'll find a complete list of all Canon point-and-shoot cameras on bhphoto.
Avoid any compact with more than 4x zoom.
The 30x zoom cameras have huge compromises in sensor size & lens speed.
So you end up with a camera that's only useable outdoors on a sunny day, otherwise the photos are blurry and noisy.

The Sony RX line is fantastic with noise similar to a m4/3 mirrorless system camera.
This is because they have fast lenses & large (1" which is a step below m4/3) sensors.

The Panasonic LX100 is attractive as a photographers compact, but despite having a m4/3 sensor.. has worse noise performance than the Sony RX line.

If you can live with a fixed focal length, the Ricoh GR is $550ish, has a 28mm equivalent lens and a large APS size sensor.. rivaling the noise performance from most Canon/Nikon DSLRs (non full frame). It fits in your pants or shirt pocket, and is terrifically simple to use.

If you want interchangeable lenses, the newer Fuji's (X-T10 for example) have pretty good AF and great overall performance. Olympus/Panasonic m4/3 cameras still win in the size/AF/price game..
Another vote for the Lumix. It's purse-able, takes a superb image on full auto. My wife loves hers. I've printed the results as big as 12 x 18 and they look great.
I tried to get a camera for my girlfriend once but was offered only a Brownie Hawkeye with a cracked lens.
bada boom, bada bing.

Good night everybody....please remember to tip your waitress.
This is what I would consider for her, Panasonic LX 100.
Nice little "real" camera. Smartphones may have cameras, but it is not the same user experience.

Seconded, easy to use and delivers pretty amazing pictures. I haven't used the newest Sony RX100, but I used mark 3 and for my eyes the results from LX100 are better. But what's even more important, ergonomics are from a different world, much better world :) It's a real camera, which just happens to be a compact. About the same size then film PS cameras were (of course depends on which one you compare to, there were smaller ones too).
The current 1" cameras are interesting, from Sony (RX100), Nikon (DL) or Canon (G7x, G9x). Or the LX100 - but take her to a shop and let her feel the cameras. Any slight advantage is nullified if she doesn't like it.

If you go interchangeable lenses, I would look at the Sony A6000, it still is a bargain. If she doesn't need the EVF, get the A5100. The 16-50 is good enough and if she wants to try your lenses, she can.

But whatever you do, let her decide!
My girlfriend only really cared what color the camera was. But I bought her an Instax camera on her birthday with lots of film. She absolutely loves it.
For m4/3 cameras, I'd go for the Panasonic GF7 with kit lens. It comes in colours like pink and brown. Plus it's got a flip screen for selfies.

The newer GF8 even has a beauty retouch function. But it's not available in the USA for now.

Otherwise for compacts, I agree with others on Canon G7x, G9x and Sony RX100 series.
I guess what we are saying is that any camera that costs a couple of hundred euros/dollars/pounds will be good. The difference will be what she prefers and likes holding.
I am a Canon guy for small cameras. (Nikon for big) For small but high quality one of the S series. I have an S90 but they go up to S110 now. A little larger -- one of the G series. I still use a Canon G2 occasionally.
But it depends on what she likes and what she wants to do with it. A great new camera seems to appear every five minutes.
Also, using the smartphone is a good suggestion. I occasionally shoot with my iPhone 6 and the quality is excellent. Haven't quite got my head around to shooting with a phone. :))