eos-m pics

Boo hoo hoo...aaauuuggghhh haaaaa haaaaaa.


I just gave my M to my wife's best friend's daughter, who just graduated from college.

The young lady made comment regarding my EOS M when I was shooting her grad celebration, she wanted to take the next step into photography (beyond the cell phone). We talked and eventually I promised to give her my Panasonic G5. That was 2 months ago.

Well, I dangled the EOS M in front of her now during a phone conversation, she was leaning towards the G5, then I sold her on the M.

I shipped it out today.


Boo hoo hoo...aaauuuggghhh haaaaa haaaaaa.


I just gave my M to my wife's best friend's daughter, who just graduated from college.

The young lady made comment regarding my EOS M when I was shooting her grad celebration, she wanted to take the next step into photography (beyond the cell phone). We talked and eventually I promised to give her my Panasonic G5. That was 2 months ago.

Well, I dangled the EOS M in front of her now during a phone conversation, she was leaning towards the G5, then I sold her on the M.

I shipped it out today.



i'll sell you my kit if that helps...