How many digital cameras have you owned?

How many digital cameras have you owned?

  • None

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • 1 or 2

    Votes: 58 15.0%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 111 28.7%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 97 25.1%
  • More than 10

    Votes: 110 28.4%

  • Total voters
I still have all of mine .

Canon G2
Panasonic G1
Leica M8 [ inheritance purchase ]
Leica Digilux 3 / Panasonic L1
Pentax K10D
Sony A35
Sony A290 / A390
Samsung NX1000
Fuji XF1 compact
Fuji X-Pro 1 [ cheap ! ]

Oops ! That's 12x

Canon G1
Canon Eos 1d
Canon Powershot S50
Nikon D200
Fuji Finepix F30
Panasonic Gf1 (2)
Fuji X-pro1 (3)
Fuji X-e1

One X-pro1 replaced a broken one, another replaced the broken X-e1. They're nice camera's to use, but certainly not strong. And expensive to repair. Broken shutter on an X-pro1 (plusminus 20000 actuations), broken viewfinder on the X-e1 (5-6000 actuations). I bought an X-pro1 instead of the X-pro2 because of it. Don't want to spend the amount they're asking for a camera that doesn't last longer.
Canon IXUS II (2002)
Nikon Coolpix 5400 (2004 but hardly used due to bad AF)
Nikon D70 (2004)
Nikon D1x (2005)
Olympus mju something (2006)
Epson R-D1s (2006)
It seems I'm in the minority here, my answer is 1 my almost 6 years old Leica X1 and I still use it!
I'll probably get another one next year but not so sure.
10+ Can't remember half of them as some were bought due to exceptionally low price and then sold on on Ebay. Some I used for a short while because I could and this did lead to some complicated situations like having a Canon, a Nikon and a Minolta in the bag at the same time. Last time I checked I was financially ahead on them so no worries about that and it was fun, alas I find very few bargains now. The ones I bought as primarily personal use were: Canon Pro1? the odd cyclps loking thing 1.6mp. Minolta 7 (the super zoom thing), I liked it a lot at base iso but it fell apart quickly at higher settings. Canon 300d that was ok but felt cheaply made. Minolta 5d that I loved for its built in image stabilization but a good price on a Nikon D100 and 24mm made me dump the Minolta. The move to Nikon was helped by the ease of getting the primes I wanted at the time for a good price, this was replaced with a D80 and D200. I picked up a Fuji S3 and ended up using it all the time, of all the DSLR cameras I had this was the one I liked and used the most. I thought I would get a Canon 5d to replace the Fuji and regretted it, there was something magical about the Fuji's files that I missed so jumped on a faulty one with 50mm lens for £25. Turned out the seller was using cheep pound store batteries, replaced with proper rechargeable ones worked perfectly. I Built up a micr four thirds outfit and used that for a few years until I got the Sony Nex6 and A7 I use now the 55mm is a super lens and I will be using these for a good while longer. Along side these I have had a Ricoh GX100 since 2008 and after many years and tens of thousands of images it is on its way out. I am completely lost as to what to get to replace it with, there are some interesting choices out there. Can't decide whether I go for something like the Sony RX100 or one of the small mirror free like the Nikon j5 or Panasonic GM5 still there is no rush, I take an old EP1 out with me.
HP R927
Leica DLux 4
Bought the HP as an entry to digital. Was at a local shop in October of 2008 when the Leica rep was demonstrating the then new DLux 4. Keep thinking about another one but I have enough cameras to keep me busy.
Olympus E300, used from KEH. Sold in 2011
Olympus E410, new in box but discontinued, with kit lens in 2010, haven't used it in a couple of years except as a meter.
That's about it.
canon d60, 1d, 1dmk2,1dmk2n,1dmk3x3,1dxx2,5d,5dmk2x2. Nikon d200,d1x2,d1x.d1h,d2h,d2x,d700,df.Leica M8 and M9 fuji x100. Olympus e420 (i think) also various canon G compacts and Ricoh Gr.
Quite a few!
I purchased an Olympus C-2020 back around the turn of the century. It's dead now.
Currently, I patiently wait for the convergence of smartphone/camera technologies before wading back in. The new Pixel tests well.
Definitely over 10. First digi cam was an HP Photosmart 850 circa 2003. First DSLR was a D70.
started out learning on a D70S that was long in the tooth. Bought my D200 to get me through grad school when the D70S died. Bought my D700 when I got out of grad school. As much as I want to upgrade now, I can't really justify it.

Oh and yeah my Fuji X100 for fun-time casual use.
Started with an HP something or other point and shoot.

bought a Nikon D40 which was sold for a D80.

D80 sold for a D300.

Purchased a D600.

Wife uses the D300 now.
Interesting how many people here have owned a D70 at some stage! Like the D700 a bit of a landmark DSLR methinks.
Interesting how many people here have owned a D70 at some stage! Like the D700 a bit of a landmark DSLR methinks.

I had one. Was the first D-SLR that I could afford to own. Was great for portraits and product photography, but was never really happy with it for landscapes. Just plain didn't have the resolution.

I gave it to my son when he was 11. He still uses it to document things he builds with Lego. He's 19, so he's used it longer than I did!
I have owned over 15 actually but let's address some issues here...

1. I almost always get irritated when someone poses a question with "we" as that really assumes a lot even if true. You should pose the question as "you" since there is no we, if I don't know you in person and in the flesh, then I don't really know you...there is no "we". We don't own my cameras, I own them.

2. Digital cameras have not been around for nearly 2 decades, they have been around for over two decades, more like 25 years, I have used them for 22.

I own and use 4 digital cameras but film still totally rules the roost and for me, always will by a huge margin.
I'm not an expert in statistic but in my view as very rough average for many people a digital camera doesn't last more than two years...
I'm surprised probably because I tend to built a relationship with my tools and also because where I live it's not easy to sell an used camera without a great loss of money...
I voted More Than 10 but that includes several that I had very briefly:

Fuji Finepix A101 (used extensively; retired)

Canon A95 (destroyed on it's first trip)

Canon A630 (used constantly for several years; retired)

Nikon D70 (used a LOT; paid for itself pretty quickly as a travel/hiking camera compared to what 35mm film + processing and scanning was costing me at the time. Gifted to a friend who still has it)

Nikon D300 (D70 upgrade / replacement - used alongside A630, eventually sold)

Nikon D700 (used moderately - sold)

Canon 7D (D300 replacement, still in use as primary go-to camera)

Canon 5DIII (used lightly, sold a few weeks ago)

Panasonic G2 (still used moderately)

Ones which didn't make the cut for one reason or another (no special order): Oly E420, Panasonic G5 & GX1, Sony NEX-3 (returned as defective).

I don't know how to feel about this list...
