latest additions to your library


Local time
10:18 AM
Aug 22, 2004
gas is nothing compared to bibliomania. :D

the new color photography - sally eauclaire
beauty in photography - robert adams
the new west - robert adams
los alamos - william eggleston
henry wessel - henry wessel
saul leiter - saul leiter
the park - kohei yoshiyuki
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Been buying a lot this year the best being Let Truth be the Prejudice by Ben Maddow abouth the life of Eugene Smith . Great images and a real insight in to the man's mind. Highly recommended.

Some of the older books can be as expensive as a good lens.:D
"River of Shadows" by Rebecca Solnit -- in part, a biography of Edward Muybridge, but also an exploration of how technology impacts our lives (including cinema, the descendent of Muybridge's work). A very interesting book.
My last photography related book was "Wer sind Sie, Henri Cartier-Bresson?", a pictorial volume with several essays about HCB's life and work.
Not sure what's the English title of it.

Before that there were Günter Osterloh's Leica M book and a volume about the photos of Stanley Kubrick before he became movie director.:)
Four issues of 1920's era magazine, "Kodakery."
Prior to that, nothing for several months after William Mortensen's "The Model."
Nothing too deep, just finishing up the series..."Hannibal Rising" by Thomas Harris...
Picked up this hardback copy at the "Friends of the Library" used book store for $3.00
The Face of China as Seen by Photographers & Travelers 1860-1912
One Tack Mind Photographic Essays on Western Railraoding by Ted Benson
The Voyage of the Virgin Maria Candelaria by Deborah Turbeville
Pure unadulterated inspiration

Pure unadulterated inspiration

A book filled with beautiful photographs of landscape, street scene, portraits... or the 'unexpected' fill me up with pure unadulterated inspiration. I just looked through a new book called "Family (Photographers photograph their families)" by Phaidon. Now I can't wait to get the portrait lens on the camera and corral the family in some beautiful light somewhere!

Other recent purchases: 2 books of Cartier-Bresson photos, 1 of Wynn Bullock, 1 of Henry Wessel, 1 of Gary Winogrand, 1 of Lee Friedlander, and the newest Nikon Compendium (to satisfy a bit of the late-night GAS attacks).
Just bought a book on sale from my uni book shop about photomicroscopy.. is interesting stuff. I plan on buying Roger and Frances' book on exposure next time I'm in fremantle... I wanted to check first if it was a royalty book or not.
Along Some American Highways, Andrew Cross
The gardens at Giverny, Stephen Shore.

have places a pre order for Sleeping By The mississippi by Alec Soth and will probably buy Niagra when I get paid.