Leica M Rechrome?


Local time
6:09 AM
Mar 9, 2011
I see quite a lot of posts about repainting Ms in black paint but does anyone know if it is possible to restore the satin chrome finish?
There is no way to restore the satin chrome finish aside from having it re-chromed. Alternatively, a satin chrome paint finish can be applied, but it is only effective if done to a brass top and bottom plate with the underlying nickel removed. The zinc plates cannot be painted or more precisely, they can be painted but the paint will not adhere properly and flake off in short order
There is no way to restore the satin chrome finish aside from having it re-chromed. Alternatively, a satin chrome paint finish can be applied, but it is only effective if done to a brass top and bottom plate with the underlying nickel removed. The zinc plates cannot be painted or more precisely, they can be painted but the paint will not adhere properly and flake off in short order

Yes, that is what I meant, i.e. re-chrome the body to the original finish. I'm not interested in having any type of paint applied.

I'm assuming any metal work place could do it but I'm not sure if the finish will match the original.
CCR Luton have a list with possible repair services on the front page:

Services Lens polishing MgF² coating Prism silvering Re-plating Enamelling

So apparently they re-plate as well, although there is no section on re-plating anywhere on the website.

Unfortunately they do not take any repairs until July... probably a serious backlog in repairs.


Hi, i was wondering about the same issue, how do they do that satin finish chrome, first nickel, then chrome, but that even finish is a mistery to me!
If you find out how don´t ever post it!:D

bye and gooood luck!
There have been some marvelous paints developed for guns that are tougher than dirt and in any color you want. Been thinking of having my gunsmith do one of my M's just for the heck of it.
From what I've heard the matte chrome of the early M's is very hard to do. Even Leica lost the knowledge / experience and is no longer able to do this. Sorry I forgot where I've read this.
Shiny chrome is easy...
Re-plating the M top-plate is possible, but not easy or cheap. As stated, you need to strip the top/base plate, nickel "strike" it and then chrome plate it. The dull finish can be achieved by a light bead blasting with a fine media (baking soda, crushed walnut shells etc) anything harder (glass beads, aluminium oxide etc) cuts to much.
I had a friend who could do it - including making a M4-2 chrome, with M3 finder and M2 take-up spool - and re-engrave it M 4-3-2!!! He does not do it anymore though.
This is one reason why black paint is so popular - easy to do!
CRR always have a backlog of about two months, although Peter has fitted small jobs in for me at short notice (lens cleaning, shutter repair).
CRR always have a backlog of about two months, although Peter has fitted small jobs in for me at short notice (lens cleaning, shutter repair).

I sent them a IIIf once for a minor cosmetic repair - they did a fantastic job, but the camera came back smelling like a chimney!
It isn't a good idea to communicate with Peter by email, but he is an outstanding Solms-trained technician. Far better than some of the amateurs regularly praised on this site.

Call him on his cell number and discuss what you want.
Slightly OT: thanks for these posts, I'm planning to send my black paint M3 for a rangefinder restauration and will call up front to arrange for it!
There have been some marvelous paints developed for guns that are tougher than dirt and in any color you want. Been thinking of having my gunsmith do one of my M's just for the heck of it.

I would love my M to have a TiNi coating, but I don't think it will work on brass though.
CCR Luton have a list with possible repair services on the front page:

Services Lens polishing MgF² coating Prism silvering Re-plating Enamelling

So apparently they re-plate as well, although there is no section on re-plating anywhere on the website.

Unfortunately they do not take any repairs until July... probably a serious backlog in repairs.


didnt see the bit about replating. I'll need to give them a call as the website is silent on such.

thanks also to everyone else who replied. I'll post an update if i get more news!
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Sorry for reviving such an old thread.
My M6 has developed a very nasty bubbling on the top plate. I have not seen any other post regarding re chrome or re plating besides the present one and this one:
Is there anybody I could send my top plate to be replated?
I am not safe with the platers in auto industry. In Spain they are closing one after the other and such a small part as the top plate could be lost or damaged.
I don't want to send it to Leica as they would simply ditch my top cover and put a new one instead, I want my original cover to be restored

Will try to contact CRR by phone in case they accept my M6 top cover to be sent to them

Best regards
Weel, seems Peter at CRR has retired. And searching I've found that old link (dating from 2003) in Swansea, but rechroming just brass
Any ideas about how could I contact somebody to strip the bubbling chrome from my M6 top and bottom covers and rechrome them?
There must be someone around. There are many cameras needing this problem addressed.
Best regards

Best regards and thak you
Sorry for reviving such an old thread.
My M6 has developed a very nasty bubbling on the top plate. I have not seen any other post regarding re chrome or re plating besides the present one and this one:
Is there anybody I could send my top plate to be replated?
I am not safe with the platers in auto industry. In Spain they are closing one after the other and such a small part as the top plate could be lost or damaged.
I don't want to send it to Leica as they would simply ditch my top cover and put a new one instead, I want my original cover to be restored

Will try to contact CRR by phone in case they accept my M6 top cover to be sent to them

Best regards
Your bubbles are the result of impurities in the zinc top. Replate is like paint over rust, it comes back.

Try for a donor top.
Your bubbles are the result of impurities in the zinc top. Replate is like paint over rust, it comes back.

Try for a donor top.
Thank you so much for help. I thought a good bath in whichever chemicals (don't know if acid might eat zinc) could help remove the impurities or at least neutralize them, and then surface preparing and replating could solve it or minimise it. the state of mine is quite nasty (see pics)

The saddest thing of all is that for 2/3 parts of its life teh camera had been kept in its original plastic box no problem.
But... one "sad" day I decided to buy myself the Leica Leather carry bag (not ER case) for M camera + 2 lenses and fitted it there with some silica gel bags. Don't know what's wrong with the sides of that official gear bag but the part in contact with the sides (top and bottom of camera) has suffered a lot, even the eyelets.
The place was not humid as there are some more camera cases (old Leica early M/III) with a screw mount and they are in perfect shape.
Before I forget. Everything else is in perfect shape, meter works,no battery drain, optics clean and every mechanical parts moves and operates with the same smoothness as in july 1996 when it was bought in London from Classic Collection (now the classic camera)
The fact that the strap lugs are also corroded points towards significantly poor storage conditions.

Sorry but there is nothing you can do about the top plate apart from replacing it as has been said.

In the world of old model trains the zinc problem is known as zincpest and has destroyed many a valuable item. OK so not quite the same thing but believe me many have tried to arrest or reverse the problem without any real success.