Leni Riefenstahl's IIIc?

Quite a jump from the worship of the "Aryan" race to the worship of the Nuba, both based on some really skewed Nietzschean notion of an uncorrupted race. I wonder what her boyfriend would have thought of that.
Purely based on a superstitious notion of "bad energy", you couldn't give me her Leica.
Purely based on a superstitious notion of "bad energy", you couldn't give me her Leica.
Personally, I'd love to own Leni's Leica... if only to photograph the most "deviant" stuff possible.

Imagine, for instance, giving it to Nan Goldin to use as a perverse middle-finger to the ideology of its former owner. I'd take great joy in that.
Both Leni and her gear give me the creeps. I wouldn't want to be in the same building as that camera.

Yep. Even if I knew that I actually owned one of her cameras, I'd never tell that to anyone else--and I'd pretend I didn't know myself.
What a strange thread to revive. In any event, one thing about Leni that has stuck with me is her justification of her propaganda films. She would defend them, claiming they're not propaganda, because everything in them actually happened, she was simply documenting it. A claim which in and of itself is rather brilliant propaganda. Interestingly, one of the most virulent propagandists of our time, Chaya Raichik, has used the same justification for her hate mongering repeatedly. Some things never change.