one lens - one camera - dear diary

Yashica FX-D Quartz (currently naked because of the poor quality letherettetteteet, replacement to come)
YUS Automatic 28mm f2.8
Ilford FP4 Plus 125

Adding entry to the calendar for the next easter to mark a year :D
I think this would be a very good thing to do, boiling things down to essentials. I would very much like to do it but I have to decide exactly what I wanted to do before deciding on one camera/one lens. I'm having a difficult time doing that. Maybe if I just jump in the deep end.
I decided to do this long before I picked up my Monochrom. I thought I'd use my trusty old (1969) 50 Summicron but one month in I think I'm going to go with a newer 50 Summicron. I'd just like a little more contrast. I'll try shooting both for a few days and then pick the one I like best and sell the other. If I keep the new one, I'll start the year over.
Still, I really like the idea of one lens on one camera. Brings me back to 1969. I've posted some my latest images shot with the old 50 in the gallery. It is an interesting challenge shooting surfers with a "normal" lens.
I'm a latecomer to this thread and I have an Elmarit 28/2.8 coming in a few days that would be perfect to be welded to my R-D1x.

I'll post when something happens!
i am certain that Cartier Bresson, "master of the Decisive Moment" and co-founder of the world famous Magnum photo-agency, produced most if not all his iconic photographs with the same one camera and one lens.
e.g. from Wikipedia : "He acquired the Leica camera with 50 mm lens in Marseilles that would accompany him for many years. The anonymity that the small camera gave him in a crowd or during an intimate moment was essential in overcoming the formal and unnatural behaviour of those who were aware of being photographed."
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I have been trying to figure out where to post this. I have been thinking about selling some camera gear to go to more of a one camera one lens set up. currently I shoot a leica m4-2 with a 50mm leica Elmer m (usually) and a leica m3 with a zeiss planar or 35mm summaron f2.8. I am thinking about selling the two bodies to fund a leica m7. my question is would it be worth letting the m3 go? I kinda want the aperture priority. my other thought is I would sell my m4-2 and the zeiss planar to fund a leica summicron 50 version 5.

Any thoughts?
I have been trying to figure out where to post this. I have been thinking about selling some camera gear to go to more of a one camera one lens set up. currently I shoot a leica m4-2 with a 50mm leica Elmer m (usually) and a leica m3 with a zeiss planar or 35mm summaron f2.8. I am thinking about selling the two bodies to fund a leica m7. my question is would it be worth letting the m3 go? I kinda want the aperture priority. my other thought is I would sell my m4-2 and the zeiss planar to fund a leica summicron 50 version 5.

Any thoughts?

Robert, what have you decided to do? (if anything)

If not, my advice would be to pretend you only have one camera and give it a try. Pick your favorite baby, lock the other one up.


I'm thinking of trying this with my Rollei 35. It's not a rangefinder, but it is one step more difficult, so I think it's OK.

Easiest would be my Olympus OM-D E-M10 III with the Panasonic 12-60, but that is cheating on several fronts. (not a rangefinder, not a "single setup" since it is a big zoom range)

Otherwise, I have a Yashica Electro 35 CC en route from Japan that I hope will be just perfect.
I am thinking about selling the two bodies to fund a leica m7. my question is would it be worth letting the m3 go? I kinda want the aperture priority.

Any thoughts?

Although you asked this months ago & may have already acted on it. I would not suggest an M7 since parts are limited & repairs to the electronic may soon be unavailable. If you really want a meter the MP is a workhorse, although i didnt care for all the viewfinder outlines.
Goodmorning everyone. on January 1st 2021 I would like to start my one camera one lens one year project. after months of testing with various cameras and lenses I narrowed down the choice between these cameras: which of these would you recommend me?

- pentax me super / pancolar jena 50/1.7
- rollei 35te 40/3.5
- kiev4 jupiter 8 50/2
- prinz 35er (minolta hi matic sII) rokkor 40/1.7?
I shoot mainly in black and white, for this project do you recommend that I also try color films or better only black and white maybe even just one type of film alone to reinforce a style?
Very nice shots. Continue to celebrate the photography

#115 is advertorial. Definitely advertorial.

A few bits of editorial content. Not much. Mostly services for sale.

I do not see how it relates to the OP's original thread.

A way to get free advertising. As they say in Quebec - toutes nos félicitations!!
Did exactly this for over ten years: Leica M2, 35mm Summicron lens. I am still exploring and using many of those images.

If I had to do this today, any even-numbered Leica M film body, 35mm Summicron lens.
I tried this project several years ago. I started with an M6 and a Summicron 50. Unfortunately the M6 died in the 3rd month. I tried to continue it with another camera but I just could not revive the same resolve I had at the beginning. I did get the M6 repaired but that took about 2 months and though I did use it some more it was never exclusive after that.

If you review the guidelines posted by Mike Johnston, as I remember them, this is actually much more than just shooting one camera with one lens for one year. He suggests that you stay with a single black and white film and shoot two or more rolls every week. You are supposed to contact print each roll as you go along and use those contact prints to begin to choose some negatives to print. From time to time you need to make at least one good print and post it where you can see it. Mike was pretty insistent that if you did this for an entire year you would end up a far better photographer then when you started.

Anyway, I am always game to try doing something that will improve my technique and my skill goes nothing. I am going to load up my MA with some Arista EDU Ultra 400 or Kodak TMAX 100, and start this on July 1. I'm still not certain which lens I will choose to work with. I am inclined to work with a 50mm lens but I really should take advantage of this to gain some real work experience with a wider lens. Maybe I'll select my Voigtlander Color Skopar 35 instead. Whatever I start with I should certainly be pretty familiar with it by the end of the year.

We'll see how it goes. I will try to post my thoughts and some pictures here at least one each week. Maybe I'll post some contact sheets from time to time and some of you can give me some pointers. Obviously this will also involve some developing and printing as well so that may stall things occasionally since I may not get each roll developed right away. I will try hard to keep up since I think that consistency is part of the learning process. It is hard to continually improve unless you are regularly exercising your skills. I will certainly do analogue contact sheets since those are not too tough, but I will scan and digitally print since my enlarger is not set up right now. But as soon as I can I will try to rectify that situation so I can also try rehabilitating my printing skills as well.

July 1 is right around the corner so I had better get cracking. I actually have several other cameras with film still in them so I need to try and finish them off before the end of this month. Not many days left to do that.
Dan, we haven't seen you for awhile. Glad to see you've weathered the virus and that you're back to join us.

- Murray
Wish there were a One Lens-One Camera-One Day....thread.
For all of us who have had ADD all our lives.

Ok, I might make it to three days.