Sad day for me - my M9 died

On the contrary it`s good news as long as you don`t buy new and I never do.
Buy at a price you can afford to lose .
My film M`s are appreciating , true but I don`t look at cameras as an investment.
Certainly not digital cameras .

Enough expensive cars bought secondhand cheaply, until something goes wrong and repairing it requires the same pocket depth as buying new. I never neglect economics when buying anything, but I hope my film cameras keep their value at least, it helps if I need to sell one to pay for another one to be repaired.

I might at some point compare the per shot cost of digital to a film camera, but the brain is currently addled. Whichever comes out worse, I suspect on a per moment enjoyment per £1 it beats restoring old cars. As my late friend Richard (he owned two Bristols) said when I bought my first, the commonest sentence you will hear is from your repair shop - "please send more money"!
I'm on the hunt for an Elmarit 28mm R today - I've flogged enough stuff of late to reward my discipline, but none of my trusted dealers have one at the right price. But there's hours to go!

Love the Elmarit 28 R. Took this with one on a Leica R-E and Fuji C200:

Nice - well apart from that horrid fat maxi red thing...

Apart from the gorgeous Apo Telyt things with pistol grips and shoulder stocks I lust after but really don't need, it's the one remaining lens that plugs a big gap in my R line up.
Enough expensive cars bought secondhand cheaply, until something goes wrong and repairing it requires the same pocket depth as buying new. I never neglect economics when buying anything, but I hope my film cameras keep their value at least, it helps if I need to sell one to pay for another one to be repaired.

I might at some point compare the per shot cost of digital to a film camera, but the brain is currently addled. Whichever comes out worse, I suspect on a per moment enjoyment per £1 it beats restoring old cars. As my late friend Richard (he owned two Bristols) said when I bought my first, the commonest sentence you will hear is from your repair shop - "please send more money"!

I have purchased new and used film and digital cameras.
No difference on repair cost for most of them. It is Zero.
Including Canon 500D digital camera from 2009 with something like 150K clicks on it from 2009 up to now.
With only one exception. My purchased new M-E needs new sensor within two years and my purchased used M4-2 needs service, parts under regular use.

I have seen German engineered Mercedes and Audi falling withing three years of lease. Falling engines in Audi is known defect since nineties.

Buy wisely a.k.a. "made in Japan".
Enough expensive cars bought secondhand cheaply, until something goes wrong and repairing it requires the same pocket depth as buying new. I never neglect economics when buying anything, but I hope my film cameras keep their value at least, it helps if I need to sell one to pay for another one to be repaired.

I might at some point compare the per shot cost of digital to a film camera, but the brain is currently addled. Whichever comes out worse, I suspect on a per moment enjoyment per £1 it beats restoring old cars. As my late friend Richard (he owned two Bristols) said when I bought my first, the commonest sentence you will hear is from your repair shop - "please send more money"!

Ah , now restoring cars is an expensive hobby . I have a friend who keeps buying and restoring Bristol cars (I think he`s got a couple on the go at the moment ). He`s bought a few bits and pieces from that Brian May chap who was in "Queen" . Apparently also into Bristol`s and got loads of stuff .