What new Voigtlander RF or SLR product would you like to see?

For the small dual 35/50 lens a special external viewfinder with both framelines can be made... Practical tools keep selling forever...
I have always thought, well, a few years ago, that Cosina/Voigtlander would be the appropriate company to make a new camera for those of us liking the 35mm field of view… Sort of a new, in production M2… A tool for street shooting, the tool for the next decades… I guess great part of the machinery you already have for the current line, could be used, to make it profitable, at least in the long term… Thousands of potential buyers… I imagine it basically as a meterless mechanical camera, a sturdy compact one, with a 35mm framelines only viewfinder: a big one, attractive even for other Bessas’ users… The viewfinder, would be its special feature, to make it stand well in front of other Bessas and Leicas… Would it be impossible?
A question for those who know about design, production and costs...
If someone wanted to make that camera, a 35mm lens rangefinder, would it be a good option to make it a fixed lens rf? I've always wondered why there are so few classic fixed lens rf's with 35mm lenses... Close to nothing! People are in constant need of that focal length... No matter if we already own 35's... And beyond us, lots of new, young users would pick it... And apart from sales, repairs would be needed too forever: there'd be money there...
It would be really exciting to see a Bessa with "Bessa 35" on it, or "Bessa St."... :)
Who else could do it? Nobody else! A small 35 2.8 or 3.5 with low distortion and with beautiful vignetting is all we need for street... It would be so lovely!
Another possibility:
To make that slow 35 compact, without a focusing patch... If it's for fast street shooting, and the lens is not a fast one, then scale focus is totally right: it's great once you know it, and with a good window just for composing framelines with simple parallax marks, we get all we need... Classic compact rangefinders are great: I use them and love them, but what a great pleasure it would be to see a new one by Voigtlander... Shooting that way is liberating, and gives surprisingly good results...
I know this has been mentioned before, but a full frame digital Bessa would be a dream come true!

It has been mentioned before, but maybe not enough, as they haven't done it yet.
The Epson RD-1 was basically a digital Bessa R2, introduced ten years ago, and discontinued three years later. So come on guys, TEN YEARS? Isn't it about time for another groundbreaking product???

slightly offtopic : Leica mentioned that the lenses for the Leica T are produced in Japan.
If Cosina is producing those lenses, then Voigtlander may have to slow down product introduction a bit, don't you think?
A question for those who know about design, production and costs...
If someone wanted to make that camera, a 35mm lens rangefinder, would it be a good option to make it a fixed lens rf? I've always wondered why there are so few classic fixed lens rf's with 35mm lenses... Close to nothing! People are in constant need of that focal length... No matter if we already own 35's... And beyond us, lots of new, young users would pick it... And apart from sales, repairs would be needed too forever: there'd be money there...
It would be really exciting to see a Bessa with "Bessa 35" on it, or "Bessa St."... :)
Who else could do it? Nobody else! A small 35 2.8 or 3.5 with low distortion and with beautiful vignetting is all we need for street... It would be so lovely!
Yashica CC 35 1.8 Lens?
An updated Yashica CC would be nice.
Smaller Lighter maybe................
Yashica CC 35 1.8 Lens?
An updated Yashica CC would be nice.
Smaller Lighter maybe................

Not that it can't be used in any way, but the CC has a top ASA of 500 instead of Bessas' 3200, and a top shutter speed of 1/250th instead of Bessas' 1/2000th... As you say, an updated fixed 35mm lens rangefinder would be great, right now and for decades to come too... I guess the question is how could CV make it to be profitable and different from existent Bessas with a 35 on...
I believe a small light camera with a specialized clean, big 35 internal finder can be made...
If the finder is good and the lens is good, I guess we'd pay for it...
Voigtländer 90/3.5 SLII APO-Lanthar or Voigtländer SL 125/2.5 APO-Lanthar

Voigtländer 90/3.5 SLII APO-Lanthar or Voigtländer SL 125/2.5 APO-Lanthar

Is there any chance for a "re-edition" of the Voigtländer 90/3.5 SLII APO-Lanthar or Voigtländer SL 125/2.5 APO-Lanthar ?
even though here it's all about film, let me dare say what I think would make a lot of sense:
rangefinder wide angle lenses that can be well handled by digital cameras, right now above all by Sony A7 FF models.
As it is even APS-C cameras have problems, I suppose that changed lens designs could help, also for future mirrorless cams to come
even though here it's all about film, let me dare say what I think would make a lot of sense: rangefinder wide angle lenses that can be well handled by digital cameras, right now above all by Sony A7 FF models. As it is even APS-C cameras have problems, I suppose that changed lens designs could help, also for future mirrorless cams to come
Yeah, well, maybe. It's only RF coupling which makes a rangefinder lens different to say an SLR lens. But being able to keep the lens elements close to the image plane is what makes RF wides as well-corrected as they are. If you are using wides on the a7, go for SLR lenses. Same for the APS-C cams if you are picky. You don't need the RF cam compatibility. A small, well corrected wide angle lens that doesn't vignette or colour cast on a standard FF digital... good luck. Leica took the other option: make the camera work with the lenses.
Some lower contrast versions for their Skopar line. If Leica can make money selling the M A, then CV should get on the bandwagon with new issue "old character lenses".
I was really surprised to see the close focus adapter VM to E mount. It was really a good idea.
E mount seems to be ideal because of its short distance to the film/sensor plane.
I would love someting similar with shifting capability for architecture.

90mm APO Lanthar re-issued in M mount with 0.9m close focus (like the new 90mm Summarit). Keep the 39mm filter thread.

Maybe a nice weather sealed camera, fixed lens RF, SLR, even scale focus, not too fussy what. Maybe something like a Rollei 35, but weather sealed, even actually *waterproof* would be great.