What new Voigtlander RF or SLR product would you like to see?

The Voigtländer Macro Apo-Lanthar 2,5/125 SL was probably the best lens ever offered under the Voigtländer (produced by Cosina) brand.
An outstanding lens, in optical and mechnical terms.

But re-introducing it would not make so much sense economically, because it then would directly compete to the Zeiss Makro-Planar 2/100 and Zeiss Apo-Sonnar 2/135 (which are also both absolutely outstanding, and also both produced by Cosina).

But there is a market gap: 180 / 200mm focal length.
A Voigtländer APO-Lanthar 2,8/200 SL II, but on the same quality level as the former 2,5/125 Apo-Lanthar would be great!!
This lens could fill a market gap.
It would have no direct competitor from the Zeiss line.

Such a lens I would buy immediately!!!
I already replied but wanted to add another item to my list of dreams:

A Large Format rangefinder shooting 4x5 with interchangeable lenses (no bellows).

I love my GW690 but I want the 4x5!
Is it possible for a digital body like Ricoh GR (size and simple control) but with M mount? Focus peaking or dual pixle sensor like what Fuji did in X100s(t) EVF split image focus assist?
I can settle for APSC in this case. I know the argument of just go buy a fuji X system. I think if taking out the focusing and other AF part that's in the EVF might make it cheaper or be able to make the camera smaller... obviously I am no expert but the idea works good in my head :-D
follow my thought above... maybe VC's own system and lenses to match such body but you don't need the rangefinder mechanism maybe be able to make even more compact lenses?
I loved my RD-1 which unforntuately I had then sold for an M8 ... M8 was not better, it only was Leica. ... and acutally, Leica M's getting more and more expensive, it would be the right time for Voigtlaender/Cosina - or for Zeiss! - to produce a rangefinder cam like RD1. Preferably in FF ... but also APS-C would do, but in this case with own lenses. I am sure they would sell quite well!
I'd like to see some constency in design and production (not quality but longevity).

-We have different focus ring shapes, scalloped, ribbed, aperture tabs, no aperture tabs. I understand that some lenses respect a tradition, but it makes it harder than it should be to make a set of lenses with a similar feel. The Leica and especially ZM lines win hands down here, and there's no reason Voigtlander can't be the same.

-It frustrates me no end that products just fall out of production and are never replaced. Take the 2.5/50 for instance. It would complement the 2.5/35 (which I have and love) very nicely, but it is out of production with no follow up. Why? This seemingly random production doesn't give me the faith I want when building a set of lenses. How about a 90? Nothing anymore.

I like to have a set of lenses that have the same ergonomics. I can't afford to get them all at once. Put those two together, and although the price of the Voigtlander lenses is excellent, they just seem to make it hard to achieve my goal. Zeiss don't, they all feel the same, share a few filter sizes, and generally feel like they were designed to use as a set (we'll see if the 18 is replaced). Leica to a lesser extent are there too (at least within generations)

Thats just my 2c. I think they need some constancy.

So for what products I'd like to see;
The 3.5/90 back, the 2.5/50 back, the 2.5/28 back, and some design consistency in their new products.
The Voigtländer Macro Apo-Lanthar 2,5/125 SL was probably the best lens ever offered under the Voigtländer (produced by Cosina) brand.
An outstanding lens, in optical and mechnical terms.

But re-introducing it would not make so much sense economically, because it then would directly compete to the Zeiss Makro-Planar 2/100 and Zeiss Apo-Sonnar 2/135 (which are also both absolutely outstanding, and also both produced by Cosina).

But there is a market gap: 180 / 200mm focal length.
A Voigtländer APO-Lanthar 2,8/200 SL II, but on the same quality level as the former 2,5/125 Apo-Lanthar would be great!!
This lens could fill a market gap.
It would have no direct competitor from the Zeiss line.

Such a lens I would buy immediately!!!

Excellent idea!
That would really be a wonderful lens filling a market gap.
Such a lens I would buy, too.

Cheers, Jan
I'd love to have the nice people at CV meet the nice people at Sigma for a long weekend to make little Bessa babies with Foveon sensors. And begin production again of all the great lenses that CV stopped producing.
The Color-Skopar 50/2.5 - ltm or M, with the same size, just a reissue. Lately the Voigtländers have been getting fat and clumsy ... trim the waistline! :)
The Color-Skopar 50/2.5 - ltm or M, with the same size, just a reissue. Lately the Voigtländers have been getting fat and clumsy ... trim the waistline! :)

Yes! Same for the 28/3.5! That and the above-mentioned 50/2.5 would be my absolute light-and-tiny dream combo!

And please issue everything in black and chrome, while you're at it... (now positively dreaming)...
I'd love to have the nice people at CV meet the nice people at Sigma for a long weekend to make little Bessa babies with Foveon sensors. And begin production again of all the great lenses that CV stopped producing.

Having this digital RF with their modern lenses is much more desirable for me comparing to digital Leica.
I carry a IIIc everyday with its little 50mm Elmar. I have often wished for a lens the size of the little Elmar but faster. The Summitar and Summicron are not much smaller than my Nikkor 50mm f2.0. Small and fast, that's not too much to ask is it? Joe
Originally Posted by Chrisrw View Post
And begin production again of all the great lenses that CV stopped producing.
Which ones exactly?

I have limited experience, but the often requested Skopar 50/2.5 is one. The heliar 50/2 and 50/3.5 collapsable I believe were limited runs, all of which I've heard great things about. Oh, and the screw mount 75/2.5.
I am lucky enough to have just received a LN 50/2.5 yesterday. But they're hard to find.
If wishes were horses...

If wishes were horses...

All right Voigtlander. Let's talk turkey. There are two products I'd love to see pop up.

First, I'd love CV (or someone!) to produce a reasonably compact hot shoe mount spot meter. I purchased another member's monochrom and I am relearning exposure. A spot meter that I wouldn't have to release my camera to use would be very useful and very helpful.

Second, I'd love to see CV take their superb 35mm f1.2 designs, and adapt them into a super fast 28mm lens. They did it with the 21mm focal length. If they could achieve similar image quality, I'd snatch one up and never let it go.

Ok, Santa. That's the end of my letter. Enjoy the cookies and milk.

Edit: I'd also love to see CV adopt codeable lens mounts on their lenses. Digital leicas are becoming more prevalent with every model.
I like the nico's idea (posted on 11-13-2008 #277) of an affordable panoramic camera using 135 film such as xpan, but have mechanical shutter.


I wish: Tr-Skopar 25-35-50mm f/4

With the ability to shoot at high ISOs, an f/4 lens in not a problem. Also note the gradual acceptance of bigger lens as "normal", including some of Cosina's latest offerings (35mm f/1.7)

I think a tri-skopar priced at about $1000 would be awesome!