Camera and Coffee


I did not read this post Robklurfield, but the teacop and t-shirt are great "Silver is better" I think the most RFF´s friends smile with this . Where I buy some itme?

I'd like to add my little contribution to this wonderful page. It's rare that I drink coffee, but my room mate has gotten me into a cup once in a while and this morning was one of those whiles....

Canon III with Canon 50mm F/1.4, M4 with Canon 135 F/3.5 Serenar (my portrait lens), cup of strong Army Joe, Colt M-16A2.

Leica is not the only one that Makes an "M" series ;)


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We need to make an addendum to this thread: I put on Dobie Gray's "Drift Away" with this mornings coffee and it's perfect.

What do you listen to (if anything) with your cup 'o Joe?
gene, i am a coffee freak!
i have given up many things for health reasons but told my doc that if he ever put coffee on the list i would sign up at the undertakers.

I've had to give up so many things that I thought life wouldn't be very interesting, but my doctor told me that coffee will not harm my heart, and it is full of anti-oxidants and good for me! I felt liberated! Then he suggested a glass of red wine in the evening. I could have hugged him! Then he said, "Hell, one mild cigar a day won't kill you either." I don't smoke, but I was astonished.

Pico - saving up for a triple by-pass.
I've got the EE2 28/3.5 with fixed focus. Very curious what the 4 position focusing adds.

Congrats on the EE2. It looks really nice. I really love my Pen. Mine is in pretty good shape except the glass over the frame counter is missing. I may try and replace it one day.

The difference with the "S" models is that the max aperture is 2.8 on a 30mm lens. The depth of field is not as great as with the 28mm lens at 3.5. To compensate for this, the lens has to be focused. However, here in Phoenix, it really isn't much of an issue as the aperture will not be wide open very often. I still like to have the ability to focus even if it is not doing much.

For what it's worth, taken with my mobile phone whilst out and about.
Love to take time-out and have a coffee & fag (cigarette to you non-UK residents!)
Like a lot of people on this thread it's part and parcel of my photography.

Caffe Nero, Jermyn St, London. The day I picked up my first ever RF. No suitable glass in stock at that time.....
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