Camera and Coffee

The Legendary Oly Trip 35

Recent buy, an Oly Pen EE-2 half-frame.
Went to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence car wash fundraiser and burnch yesterday at Cherry Bar in Phoenix. Here's my Chinon Infrafocus. However, it seems that I have already drank my coffee. :D

How many creams you put in that thing?

Haha Phil - I was going, to ask the same question ;-)
Maybe the cream is supposed, to be for the camera, not the coffee (which would be ruined after the treatment - the coffee I mean).

You are quite a collector Camerabear ;-)
If I would have the space for that, bad things would happen…
>>>MP, Luigi halfcase, 50mm 'cron, coffee or beer?<<<

All the above. All I can afford now is the coffee. But time's are a changin', I'll be good next year.
It definitely is a good combination, steve.
As for the wrist strap, it is one I made myself. A short length of denim jeans belt loop fabric stapled and wrapped in twine. It's pretty damn comfortable to be honest, well matched to the 35rc.
I had the pleasure of trekking around Tokyo with Bob Rogen (bobkonos) today. Here's a shot of our combined gear taken during a coffee break from checking out camera stores in Shinjuku. I was shooting Nikon RF gear only and Bob was exclusively Leica :)

Cameras and coffee by jonmanjiro, on Flickr
I much prefer Ritual Roasters :)

I actually prefer FourBarrel over Blue Bottle, but that place got way too busy as well as Ritual and BB. :p At least the BB Kiosk is in my neighborhood. I'm lazy.

Any particular beans I should try at Ritual??
Sug and Wes: I hear Four Barrel was started by a founder of Ritual. I've been getting Blue Bottle and Four Barrel on my recent visits to Berkeley. Another visit coming up soon.

Bob, just back from Japan and my visit with jonmanjiro