New York NYC January Meet-Up

My Black paint M1 with 8mm M Mount lens will win it all...

Sounds like this year's pagent will be a real freak show that will get out of control.

I'll add a new rule: NO BITING.

Last year we saw the Alpha male come out of Damaso. Brutal, especially just over a vintage Leica magazine. Imagine the fighting over a custom made/designed bag.

Perhaps I could follow the boxing tradition, instead of issuing the champ a belt, I create a camera strap that gets passed down every year to the winner that can be worn for the year on the winning camera that will be a badge of honor. I'll bring some sample Italian leather to the next Meet-Up so we can brainstorm.


P.S. Just call me the Larry King of the New York Meet-Up.
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I'm coming just to roll everyone for their cameras... it's a long drive but it'll be worth it. Watch the RFF classifieds and have a lotta cash in your wallet
;- )
I'm coming just to roll everyone for their cameras... it's a long drive but it'll be worth it. Watch the RFF classifieds and have a lotta cash in your wallet
;- )

The best time to try do the heist is at the Second Anual Leica M-Body Beauty Pagent (February Meet-Up) where two lens kits will be judged complete with as many-many expensive accessories. If I had a chance, I'd steal Carl's "Brass Monkey," an old black paint M2 with Leicavit that has about half its paint worn off.

Be aware that the New York crowd is a tough bunch that gets mighty rowdy, but most of all we laugh a lot.

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Sounds nice, I'm in.
No new gears this time cuz' I haven't talked to Cal for a while :p

So that's why you didn't come to the last Meet-Up. You coward. At the last event I brought out my big and heavy cameras: a Plaubel 69W and a Fuji G690 "Texas Leica." The big cameras kinda make me look thinner and smaller BTW. LOL.

Oh, please bring out the Noctilux to play. I'll bring out my M6 that has been just serviced by Sherry with the MP finder upgrade. No more whiteout.

GEAR ALERT: for JUJU I will bring out my Noct-Nikkor.

Look for a tall skinny Chinese guy with a ponytail and an arrogant chinbeard.


May I Add to that Cal....
With a Touch of a New Yawk Italian Twang
In the Voice...:)

With Good Cheer- Helen

Will probably Come to this One
Though I too have a bad Cold !
So that's why you didn't come to the last Meet-Up. You coward. At the last event I brought out my big and heavy cameras: a Plaubel 69W and a Fuji G690 "Texas Leica." The big cameras kinda make me look thinner and smaller BTW. LOL.

Oh, please bring out the Noctilux to play. I'll bring out my M6 that has been just serviced by Sherry with the MP finder upgrade. No more whiteout.

GEAR ALERT: for JUJU I will bring out my Noct-Nikkor.


Noct-Nokkor?! I want to get an ais to nex adapter just to see how the lens draws! Yeah, I will bring my Noctilux and that aluminum water pipe (m42 Biotar 7.5 cm) just to be a cool kid :D
May I Add to that Cal....
With a Touch of a New Yawk Italian Twang
In the Voice...:)

With Good Cheer- Helen

Will probably Come to this One
Though I too have a bad Cold !

My girlfriend compares me to Lie-Za Dolittle from My Fair Lady, because of my thick Lawn-Guy-Land accent.

She thinks I clean up good. Feel better.

The last Meet-Up at the White Horse Tavern had a big turnout BTW, and an international flavor. We now have a regular that comes from Philly.

Noct-Nokkor?! I want to get an ais to nex adapter just to see how the lens draws! Yeah, I will bring my Noctilux and that aluminum water pipe (m42 Biotar 7.5 cm) just to be a cool kid :D

I call that alumium water pipe you call a digital camera "The Bong." Somehow I stll remember the seventies. LOL.

I also modded one of my Nikon F3's so the illuminating light for the meter comes on whenever the meter is activated. With a MD-4 it is not only big, but also loud, and what a fast shooter.

You don't have to have new gear to come to these... many of us bring the same cameras most of the time. ;)
You don't have to have new gear to come to these... many of us bring the same cameras most of the time. ;)

Some people even bring TLR's and/or SLR's. Only requirement is to be a camera nerd, although a crazy amount of cool gear comes to these Meet-Ups. Christian sometimes brings a Linhof 4x5 that has this huge rangefinder even though its really a viewcamera.

Part of the fun is having all the digital guys ask me when I going to get a digital camera. LOL.

Its just a crazy bunch of guys and girls.
