New York NYC January Meet-Up

or Photography nerd.

Either way, this group has is accually pretty interesting for a bunch of nerds, and because there's so much personality we laugh a lot.

I have a feeling that this could be a big gathering. Are you acquainted with this space John?

I went there for New Year's Eve and it held a lot of people... however, I'm just not sure what it'll be like on Saturday at 1:00. I guess we will find out.
I went there for New Year's Eve and it held a lot of people... however, I'm just not sure what it'll be like on Saturday at 1:00. I guess we will find out.

We were a big crowd at the White Horse Tavern, and it was too hard to move around to circulate. Good to know that can hold a lot of people.

I remember when we were shooting nearby and there was construction on Houston.

The best time to try do the heist is at the Second Anual Leica M-Body Beauty Pagent (February Meet-Up) where two lens kits will be judged complete with as many-many expensive accessories. If I had a chance, I'd steal Carl's "Brass Monkey," an old black paint M2 with Leicavit that has about half its paint worn off.

It seems I am ahead of schedule rigging up a M6 'Franken-leica'. Two lenses, two winders, RF, AF, laser, four finders and counting...
I'll bring something more polite this time.
The best time to try do the heist is at the Second Anual Leica M-Body Beauty Pagent (February Meet-Up) where two lens kits will be judged complete with as many-many expensive accessories. If I had a chance, I'd steal Carl's "Brass Monkey," an old black paint M2 with Leicavit that has about half its paint worn off.

Be aware that the New York crowd is a tough bunch that gets mighty rowdy, but most of all we laugh a lot.


haha Cal, thanks for the advice.
It seems I am ahead of schedule rigging up a M6 'Franken-leica'. Two lenses, two winders, RF, AF, laser, four finders and counting...
I'll bring something more polite this time.

Save your ammo for the Beauty Pagent.

If anyone would like a reason to bring gear, since I'm bringing a Noct-Nikkor and a 75 Lux, and JUJU (Tung) is bringing a Noctilux why noy bring out your "Night Stalker."

Also as a door prize, I will give away an original instruction manual to the first person who brings a Nikon F2AS (has to be a AS version) that can meter down to -2EV. I just want to handle a F2AS with my Noct-Nikkor mounted to see if this is the ultimate for low light/hand held shooting.

Noct-Nokkor?! I want to get an ais to nex adapter just to see how the lens draws! :D

It didn't take long to get the GAS flowing. LOL.

BTW the Noct does not have dark corners like a Noctilux wide open, but the center is sharper than in the corners. Very pretty bokeh and smooth OOF. Also focuses very-very close. The VF'er is brighter than the rangefinder on my M6.

I have some Kodachrome 64 slides that I will bring that were taken at the Halloween Parade that display how the Noct-Nikkor paints and draws. I dug up a pair of old retro "Pana View" single slide viewers that run on two AA batteries.

It didn't take long to get the GAS flowing. LOL.

BTW the Noct does not have dark corners like a Noctilux wide open, but the center is sharper than in the corners. Very pretty bokeh and smooth OOF. Also focuses very-very close. The VF'er is brighter than the rangefinder on my M6.

I have some Kodachrome 64 slides that I will bring that were taken at the Halloween Parade that display how the Noct-Nikkor paints and draws. I dug up a pair of old retro "Pana View" single slide viewers that run on two AA batteries.

Stop it, Cal, you are killing me!! :mad:
By the way, I should have taken my brother's F3 when I was in California last week...
Stop it, Cal, you are killing me!! :mad:
By the way, I should have taken my brother's F3 when I was in California last week...

You didn't steal that camera yet? LOL.

BTW I did a JUJU and got my Noct at a price that was really good. I ran down to B&H and beat you to it. LOL.

NYC MEET-UP FORENSICS: It seems that Tung (JUJU) beat me to Adorama and stole a Rollei 2.8F that was priced so low that it was likely a mistake, but when went down to Adorama right after work it was already sold. Months later at a NYC Meet-Up I discovered that Tung robbed me of the opportunity of owning his camera.

This is a bump.

Hope to see the biggest crowd ever tomorrow.

I will be bringing my F3P instead of my F3 non HP with my Noct-Nikkor and my M6 that was overhauled by Sherry and recieved a MP finder upgrade with a 75 Lux.

Door prize of original Nikon F2AS instruction manual to the RFF'er who brings a F2AS to the meet-up.

Other surprises...

I think I may have been stewed to the gills when I thought this would be a good place for a meet-up... (new year's eve, booze, woman, etc) hopefully my mind wasn't playing tricks on me.

If this place ends up sucking and we need to go to another place... we will try to leave instructions outside of the bar door for those that are fashionably late... ;)

OR... keep an eye on this thread for late breaking updates... since most people have a internet capable phone these days.
OR... keep an eye on this thread for late breaking updates... since most people have a internet capable phone these days.

HA-HA. You know me I don't even carry a cell phone. LOL. Real Analog Men don't text, facebook, or instant message. Call me a caveman, but I shoot film because I have the short attention span of an annoying small dog. LOL.

John, I think this could be a big turnout, especially since it will be bitter cold. It seems where ever we go its kinda a little bit outa control. I appreciate that you stepped up and suggested Puck Fair. We always seem to adjust. Now get ready for adventure...

