Ex Girl Friends Ex Boy Friends

This thread is becoming a tear jerker after all.
Emotions are pouring out.
RFF members are real human beings!
Concerning my exes ... it has become a habit for me to buy a camera body whenever a relation was finished. Thus, some of my cameras carry exes names. However, getting separated from a girl several times only accounted for one camera. Lately, I am changing the rule: I reward myself with a new camera when I get into a new relation.
Met her after Memorial Day 2 years ago. Fell in love, talked about marriage prior to the 4th of July (things were happening very fast).
I went to India for 4 weeks in August, when I came back, something was different.
Flew home to meet my parents Labor day. The weekend after she said it was time for "The Talk". She was my "Summer Babe".

Broke my heart. Still think about her, and what might have been.

If everybody who now is married posts about his "EX" as the last girl friend before marriage, we would have hundreds of images of wives. I meant a true EX .... someone from a past history.
I don;t have many ex-gf or even ex-wife photos online, but i did find a rather nice shot of my gf back in 1978 when i was 20. she was 17 i think. she actually was not my gf at the time of this photo but we became close later that year. it lasted about 6 months. short relationship, long story. we are still in touch.

Deb by The Central Scrutiniser, on Flickr
I'll have a look Raid, that image it buried somewhere on the hard drive... There's mental pictures in reach on some days but since I was only getting into photography when the previous affaire ended, most of the exes go without pictures...

Keep you posted. Kudos on the thread, fun and interesting subject!
I am pleased how interesting this thread ended up being.
We are still waiting to see images of Ex boy friends.