A miracle lens, a miracle shot.

An incredible lens is the Helios 53mm 1.8. I have one on my Kiev4AM, and it is fantastic. I 'd like to convert it to M mount. I see that there is an Amadeo adapter for Contax - M, and also one for Nikon S - M. As I also have a Nikon S Voigtlander 50 3.5 (which is superb too!) I wish I could use the same adapter for both.

You could probably buy either of the Amedeo adapters and use it on both lenses without noticing any difference for 99.8% of your shots. From what I read the differences between Nikon and Contax were generally noticeable with the longer focal lengths (85mm, 105mm, 135mm).

I have been searching for quite a while for one of the Amedeo Contax to LTM adapters to use with my Helios-103. He hasn't marketed that adapter for some time. I have settled, for now, on a Fotofox Contax/LTM adapter. While it does work it isn't anywhere near the quality of an Amedeo.

Here is the Helios, Fotofox adapter and Ektar 100 film on a Bessa R.

2020-02-05 Stage Bessa-R Helios-103 Ektar 100 000372310020 by newst54, on Flickr
HUH? Old thread, I guess. One of the faults and annoyances of RFF is that while it shows when a poster joined RFF it does not show when a post was actually made in a thread and it's not clear if a thread is still active. I get caught out now and then with this problem.

You could probably buy either of the Amedeo adapters and use it on both lenses without noticing any difference for 99.8% of your shots. From what I read the differences between Nikon and Contax were generally noticeable with the longer focal lengths (85mm, 105mm, 135mm).

I have been searching for quite a while for one of the Amedeo Contax to LTM adapters to use with my Helios-103. He hasn't marketed that adapter for some time. I have settled, for now, on a Fotofox Contax/LTM adapter. While it does work it isn't anywhere near the quality of an Amedeo.

Here is the Helios, Fotofox adapter and Ektar 100 film on a Bessa R.

2020-02-05 Stage Bessa-R Helios-103 Ektar 100 000372310020 by newst54, on Flickr

If you are willing to shoot with M4/3 (or maybe Sony) cameras from time to time if shooting digital, you can also get some very inexpensive adapters ($20-$30) for Contax/Nikon to M4/3 Sony mount systems. As no rangefinder is involved their machining and calibration is much more simple, hence the significant price difference. This also means that there do not have to be different adapters for Contax and Nikon lenses as, again, that is only relevant if using a rangefinder camera due to their being a tiny difference in the two lens systems actual focal length.

I am presently using two types of adapter for digital. A simple mechanical adapter for Contax to M4/3 (using it with Nikon 105mm and 135mm lenses, however, not Contax) and a Ukrainian built one with built in helical for use with Contax type 50mm lenses - once again for M4/3 system. Both types work OK though the tolerances on the Ukrainian one is a bit off in my opinion.
Is this going to work for FSU Contax RF?

I had Helios-109 on 4AM. And it was nothing special lens. In the opposite, Helios 81H was awesome.

That is the adapter I used with a Helios-103 on a Voigtlander Bessa-R to take the photo just above your post. It is nowhere as smooth or well machined as the Amedeo counterpart but it is inexpensive and it does work, with the caution that there are focal lengths the manufacturer says it won't work with.