Anyone here for Polaroid rangefinders?

I to love Polaroids and i shoot with a Polaroid 600 SE but i wish so much to use other mediums to as 4x5 55 pola & 4x5 sheet film. I was really looking close to alternatives and modifications as 600 SE is ca 90% 4x5 but becauce i havent see "life" a 110b i am not sure how better they are from my Polaroid 600 SE in terms of Lens and rangefinder (easy to focus). Razzle is to a great camera and Dean is so helpfull and down to earth but still i am lite lost.
I'm teaching a workshop in image transfer, so I've been going instant crazy lately, both with some flea market folding land cameras and a Polaroid big shot. Long live Fuji FB3000!


I may be ignorant - but is there any 4x5 BW instant film still in production? I was about to try the Polaroid Type 55 when it went out of production and the prices of the remaining stock went through the roof ... Such a film would make getting a camera like Razzle very tempting ...
I to love Polaroids and i shoot with a Polaroid 600 SE but i wish so much to use other mediums to as 4x5 55 pola & 4x5 sheet film. I was really looking close to alternatives and modifications as 600 SE is ca 90% 4x5 but becauce i havent see "life" a 110b i am not sure how better they are from my Polaroid 600 SE in terms of Lens and rangefinder (easy to focus). Razzle is to a great camera and Dean is so helpfull and down to earth but still i am lite lost.

polaroid 405 back + fuji instant film packs? not 4x5, i know but still instant for your LF shooting.
Thanks Mike. Yes we can come close to 4x5 ( and i dont know if some kind modification gives trully 4x5 but i think the lenses are the problem on 600 SE)A other thing that make me curius is the viewfinders on those polaroid cameras. Is there one model that have "the best" viewfinder in terms of clarity, bright & easy to focus, fast and acurate? I know my 600 SE and its just oki. in portrait position is very hard to compose correct and focus. But how are the others as 900, 110B, 180, 195 and any other version out there?
Todd, Do you scan the negative side as is or do you use bleach to wash off the black coating on the back of the neg? My 110a/b arrived yesterday and was suprised at how light it was, I was expecting it would weigh just a bit less than my Mamiya Universal Press. This will be a blast to shoot with. The first two shots were very dark and I thought it had something to do with the instant film having different exposure requirements than other film. I use Fred Parkers Ultimate Exposure Guide. But it turned out I peeled the film apart too soon, so now I let it sit for 10 - 15 minutes and have been good to ge ever since. Instant Film is the best photographic fun I've had in years.......
One Question. Is it possible to change a lens on a NPC 195 with copal 0 shutter? to add a faster and more "portrait lens?
Todd, Do you scan the negative side as is or do you use bleach to wash off the black coating on the back of the neg? My 110a/b arrived yesterday and was suprised at how light it was, I was expecting it would weigh just a bit less than my Mamiya Universal Press. This will be a blast to shoot with. The first two shots were very dark and I thought it had something to do with the instant film having different exposure requirements than other film. I use Fred Parkers Ultimate Exposure Guide. But it turned out I peeled the film apart too soon, so now I let it sit for 10 - 15 minutes and have been good to ge ever since. Instant Film is the best photographic fun I've had in years.......

I scan the negative side as is and tweak in photoshop.

I did it!!!!!!!!

I did it!!!!!!!!

I spotted the dog.... just below and right of center of the frame.

Nice pic, and yes, I have used the 600SE, and have a half dozen of the 110a and b cameras. One of which is converted to pack film.
One Question. Is it possible to change a lens on a NPC 195 with copal 0 shutter? to add a faster and more "portrait lens?

I strongly doubt it. The rangefinder is coupled only for the standard lens, and changing it would be excessively difficult.

Though no doubt someone, somewhere, has worked out a bodge!


EktaRoid???? Hmmmm......

EktaRoid???? Hmmmm......

Here's one with my modified Ektaroid:

(and here's the ugly beast itself:)

EktaRoid??? Hmmm... sounds like something that makes it hurt when you sit down,,,, but in multiple ways.

There are tons of these old Polaroid Automatics in closets all over the country and when they do make it to the auction sites, they go cheap.

The fully self contained Zeiss rangefinder is easily removable and has great posibilities to link into other various bellows extension cameras. It's also a very accurate rangefinder.
I still have several Polaroid cameras, though I finally sold my perfect 110B after years of hoping in vain to have it converted to pack film, having shot my last roll of film in '89. My favorite users are an Automatic 100, and early SX-70, as well as a 545 holder for my Speed Graphic.

Currently my 'stock' is down to about 40 sheets of 669 and a box or so each of 55 and 56 and some stuff for the SX, though I should go ahead and use that up this week, now that I'm thinking about it.

I still hope to trade for a 180 or 185 one day, which I came to love when I used a friends' camera way back when I freelanced.

It looks like some other folks besides Fuji are getting new films developed, no pun, so hopefully we can keep shooting our instant cameras well into the future. I just hope someone comes out with a 665/55 type film that comes close or betters the original product... THAT would be the bees knees for sure!

Hi Eli, I have a converted 110a/b listed in the trade section of the RFF classifieds if you are still interested in a converted Polaroid.....

Hey Eli, have you tried the Fuji instant films in your Automatic 100? They give great results and are readily available.