Anyone here for Polaroid rangefinders?

Today in the mail "crossover MF/LF"

Today in the mail "crossover MF/LF"

OK.. it's not a rangefinder, but after acquiring a half dozen Pathfinders... 110, 110A, 110B, 120 and 900, I've explored the Polaroid conversions and opted otherwise. I just bought this custom made camera based on Mamiya lenses and focus helicals, and a Linhof 4X5 back. It came with the Mamiya red dot (polaroid pack film image circle) 75mm. I have the Mamiya 50mm with viewfinder and a 100mm and 127mm Mamiya lenses. The 50, 75, and 127 come very close to covering 4X5, and do cover 6X12.

Another discovery is that the helicals will all mount regular lenses and shutters, so with helicals for 50, 65, 75, 100, 127 and 150, I can mount an array of normal 4X5 lenses. I also have an external rangefinder and can transfer range settings to the lens directly.

Back choices are nearly unlimited, as the Linhof back also has graflok sliders. So Quickload, Readyload and roll film backs up to 6X12 will work. (I have about 150 envelopes of Quick and Ready load in the fridge)

So, this is closer to the camera I have been imagining, than the Polaroid conversions. It's a bit heavier (4 pounds), and I am anxious to get out and use it with the 50 or the 75 to start.
As you know from a previous post I have an Automatic100. I've been fooling around and have got it to work with my Strobes. Here is one in fill flash and the next in just straight Auto Mode.


Vince, I have yet to try any of the Fuji films though I have been reading good things about them and some of the shots shown have been impressive. I guess I'll order some in the next few months as I don't plan on retiring my Polaroid cameras anytime soon.

John, thanks for the info, I'll take a look-see in a moment or two.

^ Very cool! Dean is a stand-up guy who gave me some helpful advice on a DIY camera project. As for a meter, you can't go wrong with the Voigtlander VCII.
I just got a Polaroid 190 and use it with a Gossen Sixtino exposure meter but will buy a Voigtländer VCII because it can be mounted on the camera (if it fits - have to figure out).
After years off looking at Dean’s site and drooling over the 110B/900 conversions I’ve finally given in and ordered one off his cameras. Six months waiting list....... Dam!
I scored a 210 land camera for $1 on the bay, it came with a pack of polacolor pro 100 (expired in 98), an NPC polaroid back for an unknown camera, and no battery.

I was able to hack together a solution using two AAA's, but I can no longer close the battery door. Ugly, but usable.


If anyone can tell me what the back is intended for use on, it would be much appreciated.

edit: oh, and the first usable image from it:

And one more for good measure!
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I did the 3 AAA conversion on my Automatic 100. It required a four battery holder that I purchased at Radio Shack. On the internet they showed how to fix it for three and rewire. If there is not enough space inside you could glue it to the outside when your battery goes.
A couple of usable polaroid folders... more contemporary

A couple of usable polaroid folders... more contemporary

A couple of Polaroids that still seem popular are the Polaroid Reporter and the ProPack Polaroid. The ProPack is the more desirable of the two and often goes as high as $100 when they come with the proprietary flash bar attached.

I've bought them for $20 to $35 often.